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In Sermon Illustrations: "Helping The Grieving"

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  • A New Homeowner's Riding Lawn Mower Had Broken ...  PRO

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Jan 14, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    A new homeowner’s riding lawn mower had broken down, and he had been working fruitlessly for two hours trying to get it back together. Suddenly, one of his neighbors appeared with a handful of tools. “Can I give some help?” he asked. In twenty minutes he had the mower functioning more

  • Sir Edmund Hillary And His Nepalese Guide, ...

    Contributed by Joseph Conrad Edpao on Nov 12, 2004

    Sir Edmund Hillary and his Nepalese guide, Tenzing Norgay, were the first people to make the historic climb of Mount Everest in 1953. Coming down from the mountain peak, Sir Edmund suddenly lost his footing. Tenzing held the line taut and kept them both from falling by digging his ax into the more

  • A Little Girl Was Always Scared To Go To Sleep ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    A little girl was always scared to go to sleep alone in the dark. Oftentimes she would want to sleep with her parents, but they were trying to help her conquer her fear. Meaning well, they would say, “Don’t be frightened, Elizabeth, Jesus is with you; He will protect you; you don’t need to be more

  • The Official Acceptance Of Christianity Enacted ...

    Contributed by Austin Mansfield on Sep 18, 2007

    The official acceptance of Christianity enacted by Constantine in AD 313, led to nearly a half-century of tolerance under Roman rule until Julian the Apostate, a Roman emperor who reigned from AD 361-363, tried to destroy Christianity by persecuting Christians. Even he admitted that “the godless more

  • Are You Careless In The Way You Talk To Your Wife ...

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Oct 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Are you Careless in the way you talk to your wife or your husband? I read in a book on marriage that it takes 100 compliments to balance out ONE criticism from a husband or wife. I don’t know about you, but I’d have trouble coming up with 100 compliments! It’s a lot smarter --- guys --- to more

  • A.c. Gaebelein, One Of The Great Theologians Of ...

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Dec 27, 2007

    A.C. Gaebelein, one of the great theologians of the 20th century wrote in his book, The Angels of God, “Like every truth, the truth of the angels of God—their presence on earth and their loving ministries—has practical value. As we realize in faith . . . that they are watching us, ready to walk more

  • There's A Movie Called "Shadowlands" About The ...

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 2, 2008

    There’s a movie called “Shadowlands” about the life of C.S. Lewis. At one point, Lewis is told by a friend, "I know how hard you’ve been praying .... Now, God is answering your prayer." "That’s not why I pray, Harry," Lewis says. "I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I more

  • A Wwii Battleship Was Responding To The Distress ...

    Contributed by Maurice Schaus on Feb 11, 2008

    A WWII battleship was responding to the distress signal of a sinking ship. When they arrived on the site, they found a raft full of survivors, with a German sub hiding below. If you’re the captain, what do you do? Do you attempt to rescue the life raft, leaving your vessel vulnerable to attack, or more

  • Individual Workers, Not It Organizations, Are ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 14, 2008

    Individual workers, not IT organizations, are driving the next wave of technology adoption, notes a Forrester Research report. There is a movement toward user control and individual empowerment in the workplace. Once an isolated minority, these unhappy consumers have entered the mainstream of work more

  • Ii. C Peter Wagner In His Book ,"Your Spiritual ...

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    ii. C Peter Wagner in his book ,"Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow." States on page 23, "Who needs to know about spiritual gifts? (He states) - You need to know about spiritual gifts if: 1. You are a Christian. 2. You believe that Jesus is your Lord and you want to love Him and follow more

  • Real Persecution

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    REAL PERSECUTION There's a cartoon that puts persecution in perspective. In the four panels, we see people praying--first a New Testament Christian: "Lord, give me the courage to face this accusing mob." Then a Reformation Christian: "Lord, help me declare Your truth despite the cost." A 20th more

  • Emotional Growth Needs...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 26, 2009

    EMOTIONAL GROWTH NEEDS... Just as a flower cannot grow unless it has soil, air, water, light, and a secure place to grow, researchers have leaned that people can’t grow emotionally unless five basic ingredients are present: 1. Meaningful touch. 2. A spoken message. 3. The attachment of ’high more

  • The Value Of A Volunteer ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 13, 2009

    THE VALUE OF A VOLUNTEER HOUR The value of a volunteer hour nearly kept pace with inflation during ’07, increasing 3.94% while consumer prices tracked at 4.1%. The estimate for the value of a volunteer hour jumped 74¢, from $18.77 in ’06 to $19.51 in ’07, reports the Independent Sector, a more

  • Every Celebration Of The Eucharist, In Fact, Is ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 21, 2009

    "Every celebration of the Eucharist, in fact, is led by the Bishop, "either in person or through priests who are his helpers."(160) He is helped by a deacon, who has specific duties during the celebration: he prepares the altar, assists the priest, proclaims the Gospel, preaches the homily from more

  • A Man Came To The Church I Was Serving. He ...

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Jun 25, 2009

    A man came to the church I was serving. He needed help on Christmas Eve. After giving him some food I asked him where he goes to church. He never goes. I told him he was welcome here. He said, “I know I need God; He’s the only one who will never turn His back on you.” The man was more

  • Brethren, If We Will Do God’s Work In ...

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 7, 2010

    Brethren, if we will do God’s work in God’s way at God’s time with God’s power, we shall have God’s blessing and the devil’s curses. When God opens the windows of heaven to bless us, the devil will open the door of hell to blast us. God’s smile means the devil’s frown! Mere preachers may help more

  • Sports Idolatry

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Aug 30, 2010

    Here’s a little statistic published in 1998 in The Economist that I use in my Ethics class at DePaul. According to the article, “Superhuman Heroes,” a survey of 198 top athletes conducted in 1995 had more than 50% stating that they would be willing to take a drug that would help them win every more

  • 70 Die And 200 Are Feared Dead As 2 Boats Capsize ...

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Sep 17, 2010

    70 Die and 200 Are Feared Dead as 2 Boats Capsize on Congo Rivers. Congo river boats are often overloaded. When the fire started and people began jumping overboard, nearby fishermen ignored pleas for help. “Fishermen attacked the boat and started beating passengers with paddles” as they tried to more

  • Bach And The Glory Of God

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 24, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    BACH AND THE GLORY OF GOD J. S. Bach said, "All music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the soul's refreshment; where this is not remembered there is no real music but only a devilish hub-bub." He headed his compositions: "J. J." "Jesus Juva" which means "Jesus help more

  • Bach: The Glory Of God

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 13, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    BACH: THE GLORY OF GOD Johann Sebastian Bach said, "All music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the soul's refreshment; where this is not remembered there is no real music but only a devilish hub-bub." He headed his compositions: "J. J." "Jesus Juva" which means "Jesus more

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