Contributed by Chris Edmondson on May 26, 2007
Anybody who is walking with the Spirit can’t help but to talk about Jesus. What is the Holy Spirit? The witness of Jesus. And Jesus says, “You will be My witness also…” If you can go a month, 2 months, and Jesus’ name doesn’t come up in the workplace, He doesn’t come up in School teenagers, He more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Apr 1, 2008
God’s Word helps us as we reflect, as we meditate, and as we seek direction. Going to His Word helps challenge us, correct us, and encourage us. The early Church of God gave themselves the designation as a “People of the Book.” I like that. We are to be a People of the Book. I believe the Words more
Church Of God
Contributed by Betty Johnson on Sep 20, 2008
I couldn’t help but think about something that happened a couple of Sundays ago because it illustrates so beautifully the fullness of the message of this part of the text. It was after Sunday service and Anthon and Jamie and his family and I went out for lunch - Yes, we were eating out on Sunday more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Jul 13, 2009
Now here are some cultural issues that may help us gain a clearer picture. The crumbs that fell underneath the table were pieces of bread used to wipe one’s hands. They did not fall there accidently. They were thrown under the table indicating both excesses of the rich man and his utter lack of more
Church Of God
Years ago, Erwin Lutzer wrote a very helpful little book titled Failure: The Back Door To Success, it could have been written about Joseph. Many times, it takes years of failures and setbacks to become an “overnight success.”
Abraham Lincoln is a classic example. He had two failed businesses, one more