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In Sermon Illustrations: "God Delivers Us"

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  • God, Coaching And Discipline

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Dec 4, 2009

    GOD, COACHING AND DISCIPLINE Tom Landry the famous coach of the Dallas Cowboys in their heyday said: "The role of the coach is to make people do things they don’t want to do to achieve the results they want to achieve." As soon as I heard that, I thought of God. Isn’t that more

  • Spend Time With God

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 1, 2025

    Moses after spending 40 days with God on the mountain, found out that God can be seen on a daily basis. So he pitched up a tent outside the camp to meet God on a daily basis. Some things are learned by spending time with God that are not learned anywhere else. Spending time with God teaches us more

  • God's Strategy Or Ours

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Aug 26, 2008

    GOD'S STRATEGY OR OURS Several years ago, I was visiting with two young men from Nagaland, a northeastern region of India. God had moved in a mighty way in the region sending revival to the area. Almost the entire population of the region had come to faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit blew through more

  • Meeting With God In A Cesspit

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Mar 15, 2011

    MEETING WITH GOD IN A CESSPIT Philip Yancey shared about "a conference on evangelism sponsored by Billy Graham in Manila. A Cambodian man mesmerized the audience with his story of daily meditation. Under the Pol Pot regime he was held in a concentration camp like those depicted in the movie more

  • In God We Trust

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 17, 2011

    IN GOD WE TRUST I think it quite appropriate that on this day we celebrate who we are as a nation and reflect on how we came to be the nation we are. It is because we still stand firm in our national motto,” IN GOD WE TRUST”. Did you ever wonder where it came from – how did these words come to be more

  • The Amazing Providence Of God  PRO

    Contributed by David Parks on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The Amazing Providence of God In the late 1800’s a member of Britain’s Parliament went to Scotland to make a speech. He got off the train in Edinburgh, and then took a carriage south toward his destination. Unfortunately, the carriage became stuck in deep mud. A local farm boy came to the more

  • God Is Like A Strainer

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 7, 2011

    GOD IS LIKE A STRAINER I have only made applesauce once in my life, and that was a month or two back when the Newells brought all those apples to church for all of us. I made sauce the easy way; I had a press down apple corer / section maker, and then threw the apple slices – skin and all – into more

  • God Tells Me  PRO

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 29, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    A little girl had a dad who was a pastor. “Daddy, how do you know what to preach on Sundays?” “God tells me,” responded the dad. “Then daddy, why do you crinkle up so many sheets of paper and toss them into the waste basket?” We are much better off saying, “I think God wants me to tell you this” more

  • The Phrase "Hardness Of Heart" Is Used Not Only ...

    Contributed by Angel Caballero on Jun 17, 2009

    The phrase "hardness of heart" is used not only for God’s people’s enemies, like Pharaoh in Egypt, but also for God’s people, Israel. In the New Testament it describes more

  • Process-Oriented God

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 26, 2010

    The following thoughts are from Sy Rogers: God is event and process oriented – Most Christians are only event orientated. But the development of a baby is a process caused by one passionate event in the bedroom. Birth is an event but there is a process of growth and maturity. God will not zap a more

  • Loyalty To God Or Ourselves?

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 19, 2009

    LOYALTY TO GOD OR OURSELVES? When I was in seminary, I had some conversations with some fellow students, with a good mentor and friend Ron Mabry, with a Dr. Stafford and the credentialing team in Indiana. Through these interactions God was speaking to me and asking me where my loyalties to lie? Is more

  • Jesus Displays For Us In Person The Compassion Of ...  PRO

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 12, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus displays for us in person the compassion of God for his suffering saints. God in the flesh is able to demonstrate for us what God in heaven feels when we cry out to him in moments of grief or sorrow. There are certain theological systems of belief that hold to the idea that God is unmoved more

  • What Is The Will Of God For Me?

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Feb 8, 2009

    WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD FOR ME? I have said many times over the past 50 years of international ministry to God's people when asked, "What is the Will of God for me? and how can I know it and do it?" I have said that, in a nutshell, the Will of God is the Word of God--and the Word of God is the more

  • God's Persistent Love  PRO

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 4, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    GOD'S PERSISTENT LOVE For more than 40 years, each week a shy Welshman went to his neighbor’s door and slipped a love note underneath. Because of an argument years before, she refused to speak to the man. Finally, after writing 2184 love letters with no response of any kind, the 74-year-old man more

  • Adoption In Christ Frees Us From ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 10, 2010

    Adoption In Christ Frees Us From Satan An illustration from history past can help us realize the significance of being children of Almighty God - an amazing concept! The image of emaciated babies and young children sitting in cribs, in a stark, ill-equipped Romanian orphanage blazed across the more

  • Praising God In Worship  PRO

    Contributed by Karen Wheat on Feb 8, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Illustration About Praising God in Worship There’s the story of a church in an old town that was very sophisticated, dignified, and quiet. One day a visitor showed up in worship. When the preacher began to preach and say something like God is a good God, the visitor would shout, “Praise the Lord,” more

  • Dad, Are You God?

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on May 20, 2009

    DAD, ARE YOU GOD? One day after church, the pastor asked his little boy what he learned in Sunday school. The lad said, "I learned that God loves me more than anything else in the whole world." "What else did you learn?" asked his dad. "I learned that when I’m bad, He spanks real hard." "What more

  • God's Boot Camp

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Feb 14, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    GOD'S BOOT CAMP When a civilian enters the military, they go through boot camp. It's my understanding that in boot camp, the individual is broken down, and they are retrained to see themselves as part of the unit. They are conditioned to be disciplined to obey the commands of their superiors. In a more

  • Tozer: God's Tools

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 21, 2011

    TOZER: GOD'S TOOLS A.W. Tozer once talked about God's tools: "The HAMMER is a useful tool. But the nail, if it had feeling and intelligence, could present another side of the story. For the nail knows the hammer only as an opponent a brutal, merciless enemy who lives to pound it into submission, more

  • Judging God's Mirror

    Contributed by David Goering on Sep 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Suppose a young couple woke up in the morning after a good night sleep and the husband looked in the mirror on the dresser and became very angry at the reflection because of what he saw... his hair was disheveled and he had a sleep wrinkle that ran down the one side of his face, so he took his more

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