Contributed by Brian Harvison on May 29, 2008
Pigs were unclean to a Jew
To protect themselves from defilement, Jews could not even touch pigs
For a Jew to stoop to feeding pigs was a great humiliation
And for this man to eat food that pigs had touched was more
Contributed by Donnie Martin on Sep 21, 2003
based on 7 ratings
“Pride is the only disease known to man that makes everyone sick except the one who has it” more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 14, 2007
Indecency Challenged TV networks claim in a filing, the F.C.C. overstepped its authority, in an attempt to regulate content protected by the First Amendment, acted arbitrary and failed to provide a clear and consistent more
If I may return to the picture of the burning building, It’s a sure thing that I won’t jump if I don’t know the thing is on fire.... We will not give up the structures of our existence -- not on more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2008
American pastor and author A. T. Pierson (1837-1911) described the peace of God as "that eternal calm which lies far too deep in the praying, trusting soul to be reached by any external more
Contributed by Gary Miller on May 11, 2007
In his book "The Prayer of Jabez" Bruce Wilkinson wrote about the importance of daily prayer for yourself. His experiences demonstrate more
Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Oct 26, 2000
based on 99 ratings
The law has a purpose. In the case of Cain’s wife, there was no need for this law at the beginning. There are over 130,000 genes that we inherit from our parents (Explain genes to the ancient world). Genes are formed in pairs. At the moment of conception, we inherit one gene of each pair from each more
Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Aug 15, 2007
In the winter of 1976, John Jordan, together with three of his friends, decided to photograph Niagara Falls. They went to Goat Island to enjoy the icy beauty. While there Jordan and two others climbed the drifts that covered protective railings, then fell into the ice along the shore about 200 more