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In Sermon Illustrations: "Country Church"

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  • Elephant Fights In Church  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 28, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    ELEPHANT FIGHTS IN CHURCH An African proverb says, "When elephants fight, grass gets trampled." Elephants do not throw their weight around for nothing. The average African elephant weighs 16,534 lbs. The largest elephant on record weighed about 24,000 pounds and was 13 feet tall! Wild elephants more

  • Is Your Church On Fire?

    Contributed by K. Simms on Nov 5, 2010

    IS YOUR CHURCH ON FIRE? In a little town unknown to many, there was a small church. One night smoke and flames consumed this little church. People from all over town stood in the streets and watched the church as it burned. The local preacher drove up and noticed several people that he hadn't seen more

  • Try Coming To Church

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 15, 2010

    Quote: "When you were born, your mother brought you to church. When you were married, your wife brought you to church. When you die, your friends will bring you to more

  • Which Church Is Yours?

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010

    WHICH CHURCH IS YOURS? There's a cartoon with a picture of two men rowing boats. One was wearing a dog collar and in his hands was a punting pole. Also in the boat were rows and rows of people cheering him on. In the other boat, the man rowing, also wearing a dog collar, had in his hands a more

  • Stir Crazy Church

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 4, 2011

    STIR CRAZY CHURCH The baseball player Reggie Jackson referred to himself as “the straw that stirs the drink.” Cocky and outspoken, he had a knack for keeping the adrenaline flowing among his teammates. Hebrews is telling each of us to be the straw that stirs the drink in fellowship together as more

  • Peter's View Of The Church

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    PETER'S VIEW OF THE CHURCH Derek Tidball – Ministry by the Book: New Testament Patterns for Pastoral Leadership: “Peter presents a view of the church where all are priests but some are called to exercise an overseeing role as elders and shepherds, which they do both more

  • Three Bones In Church

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    THREE BONES IN CHURCH Church members may be divided into three classes in a mere skeleton outline: wishbones, jawbones, and backbones. The wishbones are always languidly hoping that their church will somehow grow without their effort. The jawbones talk their way out of doing things, and the more

  • The Church As A China Cabinet

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    THE CHURCH AS A CHINA CABINET Bryan Wilkerson talks about a sterling silver tea set that a family member gave him and his wife as a reminder of her love for them. It’s quite old and beautifully made, and it sits on a stand in their dining room. There's only one problem: they can’t use it. The more

  • How Not To Market The Church

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2011

    HOW NOT TO MARKET THE CHURCH When we speak of marketing the church (writes David Wells) we are not referencing such things as advertising church events, providing excellence in church programming, being kind to visitors, or providing ample parking. No one is arguing the importance and value of more

  • De-Sanctified Churches

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 19, 2011

    DE-SANCTIFIED CHURCHES Not too long ago, a real estate listing in Dallas had the simple headline: "Converted Church." In other words, what had once been a church facility is now somebody's house. The listing under the heading had this description: "The altar has been adapted for use as a granite more

  • Church As A Spectator Sport

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 5, 2011

    CHURCH AS A SPECTATOR SPORT A British pastor and author made this observation a few years ago. I think it’s still accurate. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, "Men and women no longer...exercise in sport as they used to. Instead, people tend to sit in crowds and just watch other people play. ...And I more

  • Korean Cell Churches

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Nov 9, 2011

    KOREAN CELL CHURCHES Assemblies of God Church in Seoul, Korea: It started in 1958 when Paul Yonggi Cho (later David) held a service in his friend’s home with her three children. Passionate desire to share Christ by inviting other people to their home church soon resulted in exponential growth. more

  • Set The Church Back

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Dec 3, 2011

    Billy Graham that great and uncompromising preacher once in a Revival meeting held at Los Angeles, shared a passionate message on the Early Church, outlining what needs to be done for the Churches of modern era to become more effective. While many were moved by it, some “cannibal” Christians more

  • A True Church Family

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 28, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    A TRUE CHURCH FAMILY Fred Sigle, preaching minister at Garfield Christian Church in Indianapolis tells about Mark Knutson. On August 28, 1993, he was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of cancer. When diagnosed, he was already in the late stages and was only given a short time to more

  • A Non-Repentant Church

    Contributed by John Bartol on Nov 7, 2012

    A NON-REPENTANT CHURCH Lack of repentance is the root cause of powerlessness in the church, in this materialistic, self-indulgent age. There can be no spiritual more

  • The Church's Role In Parenting

    Contributed by Rodney Bowen on Feb 7, 2013

    THE CHURCH'S ROLE IN PARENTING Recently reviewing the new book by Dr. Tim Kimmel title, CONNECTING CHURCH & HOME, I found my mind and heart really pierced with the current state of our in-church parenting. Churches and families need each other. And no, I am not referring to our family’s use of more

  • Is Your Church An Encyclopedia?

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 13, 2013

    IS YOUR CHURCH AN ENCYCLOPEDIA? There is a story about a man who was walking down the street. He passed a used-book store, and in the window he saw a book with the title, "How to Hug." He was taken by the title and, being of a somewhat romantic nature, went in to buy the book. To his chagrin, he more

  • The Wealthy, Unhealthy Church

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Feb 9, 2014

    THE WEALTHY, UNHEALTHY CHURCH Many writers have told the traditional story of the thirteenth century Catholic theologian, Thomas Aquinas, who visited the Vatican in Rome. He was escorted through the fine buildings housing the vast Papal treasury. The Pope, referring to himself as Peter’s more

  • Unhappy Church Member

    Contributed by Kerry O'neill on Jan 27, 2019

    A christian man was stranded on a deserted island for many years. He was finally discovered and a rescue crew arrived. They were impressed with all the things he built by himself, most prominently 3 buildings. They asked him about the first building and he answered, “That is where I live.” Then more

  • Hymns For A Church Feud!

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Oct 28, 2019

    Church feuds are not uncommon, especially among cliques in the congregation. But when the pastor and choir director get into it, stand aside. One week, the preacher preached on commitment, and how you should dedicate yourselves to service. The director then led the choir in singing, 'I Shall more

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