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In Sermon Illustrations: "Artificial Lives"

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  • Henry Wingblade Used To Say That Christian ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2008

    Henry Wingblade used to say that Christian personality is hidden deep inside us. It is unseen, like the soup carried in a tureen high over a waiter’s head. No one knows what’s inside—unless the waiter is bumped and he trips! Just so, people don’t know what’s inside us until we’ve been more

  • The Law Of Nature

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 27, 2008

    C. S. Lewis ended an essay saying this: "These, then, are the two points I wanted to make. First, that human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to behave in a certain way, and cannot really get rid of it. Secondly, that they do not in fact behave in that way. They more

  • When I First Came To Geneva, I Was Struck By How ...

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Jan 15, 2009

    When I first came to Geneva, I was struck by how many attractive older women there are here. I thought they must have been strikingly beautiful as young women. When we had our 40th anniversary, I got to see pictures of our lovely women. They were all attractive, still I realized that they had grown more

  • Job Sat On His Dunghill And Reflected That He ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 7, 2009

    Job sat on his dunghill and reflected that he was not alone in his pain. Everyone awakes to the same reality–hard work or hard study and every day’s the same thing, and nothing you do ever seems to make a difference. The line is Bill Murray’s from Groundhog Day, but, especially in a tough more

  • Sin Promises Freedom, But It Only Brings Slavery ...

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Feb 19, 2009

    Sin promises freedom, but it only brings slavery (John 8: 34); it promises success, but brings failure; it promises life, but “the wages of sin is death” (Rom.6: 23). The boy thought he would “find himself,” but he only lost himself! When God is left out of our lives, enjoyment becomes more

  • Kids And Global Warming

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Mar 4, 2009

    KIDS AND GLOBAL WARMING This past April, the Washington Post interviewed a 9-year-old who said the Earth is "just starting to fade away." In 20 years there will be "no oxygen" he said, and he’ll be dead. The Post went on to say, "for many children and young adults, global warming is defining their more

  • The Unknown Is An Adventure

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Mar 15, 2009

    THE UNKNOWN IS AN ADVENTURE Stanley Jones writes, "Many live in dread of what is coming. Why should we? The unknown puts adventure into life; it gives us something to sharpen our souls on. The unexpected around the corner gives a sense of anticipation and surprise. If we saw all the good things more

  • Truth Needs To Be Sought, Found And Expressed ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 25, 2009

    “Truth needs to be sought, found and expressed within the “economy” of charity, but charity in its turn needs to be understood, confirmed and practiced in the light of truth. In this way, not only do we do a service to charity enlightened by truth, but we also help give credibility to truth, more

  • What Makes A Good ...

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on Nov 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    "What makes a good church? If all the… …Lazy folks get up …sleepy folks wake up …Discouraged folks cheer up …Gossiping folks shut up …Dishonest folks fess up …Estranged folks make up …Depressed folks look up …Disgusted folks sweeten up …Lukewarm folks fire up …Sanctified folks show more

  • What Was Mary Doing When She Had Her Angelic ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 9, 2010

    What was Mary doing when she had her angelic epiphany, the one that changed the world forever? Was she deep in meditation, as the medieval paintings suggest? Maybe not. She surely wasn’t mowing the lawn, but I like to imagine her kneading bread, chanting a psalm and listening for the divine more

  • Christ Has Risen—you Better, Too!

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jun 4, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    CHRIST HAS RISEN--YOU BETTER, TOO! I heard about a church organist who overslept one Easter morning. She said, "The service was scheduled for 6:30. At 6:31, the minister called to see if I was coming. Since I live near the church, I was at the organ by 6:45. Then, a year later on Easter morning more

  • We Are Told In Scripture To Work Out Our ...

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jun 2, 2010

    We are told in scripture to work out our salvation. The interesting thing about this is that when we work we need a few tools and the better the quality of the tools the easier the job usually goes and the better the results. (Here I pulled a couple of nails out of a peice of wood with a jemmy bar more

  • Make Them Thirsty

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010

    MAKE THEM THIRSTY The young salesman was disappointed about losing a big sale, and as he talked with his sales manager he lamented, "I guess it just proves you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink." The manager replied, "Son, take my advice: your job is not to make him drink. more

  • Who Would Serve God Without Heaven?

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jan 3, 2011

    WHO WOULD SERVE GOD WITHOUT HEAVEN? Consider this statement from Paris Reidhead: "Lord Jesus, I’m going to obey you and love you and serve you and do what you want me to do as long as I live even if I go to hell at the end of the road because you are worthy to be loved, obeyed and served." Do we more

  • On Self-Control

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 14, 2011

    ON SELF-CONTROL Daniel Akst in a secular article called, "Whose in Charge Here?" wrote: "Life in modern Western cultures is like living at a giant all-you-can-eat buffet offering more calories, credit, sex, intoxicants, and just about anything else one could take to excess than our forebears more

  • Freedom "For"  PRO

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 28, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    FREEDOM "FOR" From Robert Youngs: I have on my table a violin string... it is free. I twist one end of it and it responds. It is free. But it is not free to do what a violin string is supposed to do--produce music. So I take it, fix it in my violin and tighten it until it is taut. Only then more

  • The Paint Covered Its Beauty

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Jan 24, 2012

    THE PAINT COVERED ITS BEAUTY A few years ago when I lived in Poland we were at a local museum which had a beautiful sculpture of Mary holding Jesus. For years it stood on a street corner before the city decided to clean it up and restore it. Up to that point no one thought it was anything special more

  • Spiritual Arrhythmia  PRO

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Feb 25, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    SPIRITUAL ARRHYTHMIA The primary function of the heart is to supply blood and nutrients to the body. The regular beating, or contraction, of the heart moves the blood throughout the body. Each heartbeat is controlled by electrical impulses traveling through the heart. In the normal heart these more

  • Not Ready

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Apr 9, 2012

    NOT READY After a presentation on the Evidences of God in Science four physics professors came up to Hugh Ross afterwards. Hugh asked if any of them could deny any of what had been presented. They said they could not. He then asked, "Why are you not ready to accept the conclusions?" One said more

  • Unhappy Church Member

    Contributed by Kerry O'neill on Jan 27, 2019

    A christian man was stranded on a deserted island for many years. He was finally discovered and a rescue crew arrived. They were impressed with all the things he built by himself, most prominently 3 buildings. They asked him about the first building and he answered, “That is where I live.” Then more

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