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  • The Chicago Tribune Carried A Story Titled "Man ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    The Chicago Tribune carried a story titled “Man Electrocuted After Ignoring Warnings .” Jason Grisham shouldn’t be alive. During his attempt to scale an electrical tower, the 22-year-old man received a shock that is usually fatal. Partway up the tower, 69,000 volts of electricity coursed through more

  • Quote: "The Rocks Of The Earth's Crust Now ...

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Mar 1, 2008

    QUOTE: “The rocks of the earth’s crust now contain the fossil remains of unnumbered billions of plants and animals, buried in water-transported sediments which quickly became lithified. This “geologic column” has been grossly distorted by evolutionists into the record of an imagined 3-billion year more

  • I Don't Remember

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 26, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    I DON’T REMEMBER An elderly man moved into a retirement community. It wasn’t long until he had made a number of friends among the other residents. There was one lady he was especially attracted to and she was attracted to him, also. They spent a lot of time together. Finally one evening he more

  • How God Treats Repentant Sinners

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Mar 12, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    HOW GOD TREATS REPENTANT SINNERS When Billy Graham was driving through a small southern town, he was stopped by a policeman and charged with speeding. Graham admitted his quilt, but was told by the officer that he would have to appear in court. The judge asked, "Guilty, or not guilty?" When Graham more

  • Getting "me" Out Of The Way

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Feb 13, 2023

    If we were all honest, we would probably have to admit that we are all guilty of reading a text while we're driving. We see it all the time. People are swerving from their lane into our lane and almost hitting other cars. It can be a serious situation. The way we live can also impact those more

  • January 8, 2004 Usatoday Reported This On Their ...  PRO

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Jan 15, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    January 8, 2004 USATODAY reported this on their website: Woman admits she lied about losing $162M lottery ticket CLEVELAND (AP) — A woman admitted through tears Thursday that she lied about losing the winning ticket for a $162 million lottery prize, saying: "I wanted to win so badly for my kids more

  • Leslie Weatherhead Tells Of A Little Boy Who Was ...  PRO

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Mar 19, 2001
    based on 399 ratings

    "Leslie Weatherhead tells of a little boy who was admitted to an orphanage after his parents were killed. One of the first items on the agenda was to find him a new set of clothes. He was given a new pair of pants, a new shirt, and a pair of shoes that shinned as he saw his face in its glow. more

  • Sniper Camp - U.s. News And World Report ...  PRO

    Contributed by Scott Weber on Mar 23, 2001
    based on 148 ratings

    - Sniper Camp - U.S. News And World Report carried this story. The U.S. Marines conduct a secret sniper program in Quantico, Virginia. The school admits 25 men for an eight week course of sixteen hour days. Very few pass. To graduate, each goes on a mock mission into a well defined area where more

  • The Official Position Of Islam Is That Her ...  PRO

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Sep 25, 2001
    based on 69 ratings

    The official position of Islam is that her martyrs go directly to heaven: The Prophet said, "The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he more

  • Mormon Sacred Scriptures Say Explicitly That ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 6, 2002
    based on 2 ratings

    Mormon sacred scriptures say explicitly that there are many gods; for example, the three persons of the Trinity are regarded as three gods. Mormons believe that God used to be a man but was able to learn how to be a god, and all Mormon men are striving to become gods just like their heavenly more

  • I Recently Heard Of Four Scholars Who Were ...  PRO

    Contributed by Michael Gibney on Aug 5, 2002
    based on 2 ratings

    I recently heard of four scholars who were arguing over Bible translations. One said he preferred the King James Version because of its beautiful, eloquent old English. Another said he preferred the American Standard Bible for its literalism, the way it moves the reader from passage to passage with more

  • Billy Graham, The Great Evangelist, Tells Of ...  PRO

    Contributed by Aaron Burgess on Oct 7, 2002
    based on 101 ratings

    Billy Graham, the great evangelist, tells of driving through a small southern town and being stopped by a policeman and being charged with speeding. Graham admitted his quilt, but was told by the officer that he would have to appear in court. The judge asked, "Guilty, or not guilty?" When Graham more

  • British Author C.s. Lewis Had A Conversion On A ...  PRO

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Mar 2, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    British author C.S. Lewis had a conversion on a roadway. He’d started out as an atheist, with a strong dislike of church; yet the more he considered the Scriptures, the more he realized that the Gospels were truth, not myths. “Nothing else in all literature was just like this,” he admitted. more

  • Strong Emotions

    Contributed by Mark Brunner on Nov 16, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    There is nothing wrong with strong emotions; even those that center squarely upon ourselves. Witness the story of missionary Adoniram Judson. He sweated out Burma’s heat for 18 years without a furlough, six years without a convert. Enduring torture and imprisonment, he admitted that he never saw a more

  • The Brothers Grimm (2005)

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Dec 29, 2005

    ILLUSTRATION... The Brothers Grimm (2005) I rented a movie recently that spoke volumes when it came to dealing with falsehood. The movie is called Brothers Grimm and came out this past year. The fictional story centers around two brothers who are in the witch and ghost busting business. They more

  • Ordinary People Is A Book That Was Later Made ...

    Contributed by Bobby Touchton on May 10, 2004

    ORDINARY PEOPLE is a book that was later made into a movie. It is set in Lake Forest, Illinois, during the 1970s. The action focuses on the Jarrett family--Calvin and Beth and their son Conrad. Before the action of the book begins, there was a second Jarrett son--Buck--who was killed in a boating more

  • Better Deals

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 12, 2010

    BETTER DEALS Back in 1931, Irving Thalberg of MGM decided he wanted to buy the film rights to Tarzan, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. So Thalberg sent Sam Marx to negotiate with Burroughs, telling Marx not to spend more than $100,000, an extraordinarily large sum in those days. Marx more

  • I Can't Remember

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    I CAN'T REMEMBER An elderly man moved into a retirement community. It wasn't long until he had made a number of friends among the other residents. There was one lady he was especially attracted to and she was attracted to him, also. They spent a lot of time together. Finally one evening he more

  • Contaminated

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Feb 22, 2012

    CONTAMINATED I'm all thumbs when it comes to band-aids. I know you're not supposed to touch the pad, the part that compresses the wound. If you do, then you contaminate it, and you run the risk of infection. And, of course, you don't want to do that. So, every time I use a band-aid, it's something more

  • When Prayer Isn't All You Need

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 2, 2012

    WHEN PRAYER ISN’T ALL YOU NEED Tim Hansel, Holy Sweat, 1987, Word Books Publisher, p. 63. In my late twenties, a bunch of my friends and I decided to sail around the world. I have to admit, though, at the time I was a bit worried. I hadn’t even sailed before. I was uneasy and anxious. So I spent a more

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