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In Sermon Illustrations: "accepted by grace"

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  • Lionel Luckhoo Is In The Guinness Book Of Records ...

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Sep 24, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Lionel luckhoo is in the Guinness book of records the most successful trial lawyer 245 successful murder defenses in a row! At 63 he decided to put his analytical skills to the claim that Jesus rose from the dead! He found the resurrection answered his personal needs and his intellectual more

  • There Are Numerous Cultures Around The World ...

    Contributed by John Shearhart on Oct 5, 2006

    “There are numerous cultures around the world where the divorce rate is near zero. Why? The common denominator is that divorce is not viewed as an option. It may be against the law or against the norm of their society. In cultures where divorce is an acceptable choice, couples can decide in advance more

  • If You Haven't Looked At Christ On The Cross, ...

    Contributed by Joseph Daniel on Jan 7, 2007

    “If you haven’t looked at Christ on the cross, you’ll have to look at Him on the throne – with great trembling. The sacrificial death of Christ will be brought before the eyes of all who refuse to accept His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life. In Bethlehem He came in mercy to forgive sin. more

  • Dietrich Bonheoffer Who Wrote , "It Is Infinitely ...

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Nov 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Dietrich Bonheoffer who wrote , “It is infinitely easier to suffer in obedience to a human command than to accept suffering as free, responsible men. It is infinitely easier to suffer with others than to suffer alone. It is infinitely easier to suffer as public heroes than to suffer apart and in more

  • There Is A Clash Among The Definitions Of ...

    Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Jul 9, 2008

    There is a clash among the definitions of prudery, modesty and lewdness. Years ago one of our ladies had parked on the top floor of the Raleigh Springs Mall garage. As she left the store, she saw only one other car up there. As she advanced toward her car, this man got out - wearing only his shoes more

  • At Least One Follower  PRO

    Contributed by Dale Krueger on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    AT LEAST ONE FOLLOWER A father was filling out an application form for his daughter who was seeking entrance to a very exclusive college. He came to the question on the form which asked whether the applicant was a leader. In honesty he wrote, "No, but she is a good follower." The application more

  • Marriage And Discipleship: Love In Action

    Contributed by Scott Berry on Aug 14, 2009

    MARRIAGE AND DISCIPLESHIP: LOVE IN ACTION If a groom said ‘I wanna scrap that ‘forsake all others bit’, I’ll have a few affairs but it’ll be ok – I’ll come home to you most nights’ - its not acceptable. Marriage is not about emotion or what you get from the other – its a commitment, a decision to more

  • God Has Spoken...listen!

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 27, 2009

    GOD HAS SPOKEN...LISTEN! "If God has spoken, listen! If God has recorded his words in a Book, search its pages with a believing heart. If you do not accept it as God’s inspired word, I cannot invite you to pay any particular attention to it; but if you regard it as the Book of God, I charge you, more

  • John Macarthur Says, "The Meek Person ...

    Contributed by Guy De Swardt on Apr 1, 2010

    John MacArthur says, “The meek person accepts joyfully the seizing of his property, knowing that he has infinitely better and more permanent possessions awaiting him in heaven. The meek person has died to self, and he therefore does not worry about injury to himself, or about loss, insult, or more

  • Not Ready

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Apr 9, 2012

    NOT READY After a presentation on the Evidences of God in Science four physics professors came up to Hugh Ross afterwards. Hugh asked if any of them could deny any of what had been presented. They said they could not. He then asked, "Why are you not ready to accept the conclusions?" One said more

  • Coming Quietly

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Jan 1, 2023

    The Lord of all comes as a slave amidst poverty. Choosing for his birthplace an unknown village in a remote province, he is born of a poor maiden and accepts all that poverty implies. He chose surroundings that were poor and simple, so ordinary as to be almost unnoticed, so that people would know more

  • John Wycliffe Had A Vision Of A Bible In The ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2001
    based on 8 ratings

    John Wycliffe had a vision of a Bible in the common English tongue. But dogmatists anchored to the past killed him for it. John Huss dreamed a dream of a responsible Christian life guided by the scriptures. Traditionalists burned him at the stake. Martin Luther was awakened to a new reality of more

  • A Recent Jim Carry Movie, Bruce Almighty, Is The ...  PRO

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Oct 21, 2003
    based on 10 ratings

    A recent Jim Carry movie, Bruce Almighty, is the story of a human given the power but not the wisdom of God. Carry proceeds to make a huge mess of things, resulting in everything from natural disasters to financial calamities. But when his girlfriend, Grace, becomes fed up with his immaturity and more

  • Facing Crisis  PRO

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Aug 26, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Pastor Andrew Murray of South Africa once faced a terrible crisis. Gathering himself into his study, he sat a long while quietly. Prayerfully, thoughtfully. He wrote this in his journal. 1. I am here by God’s appointment; in that fact I will rest. 2. He will keep me here in His love and more

  • A Man Who First Pastored And Nurtured A Church ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 8, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    A man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in an assistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, both men do church planting work together for a couple of years, then return to the home church. A sharp disagreement arises over an issue they both view as a matter of principle, more

  • In Shansi I Found Chinese Christians Who Were ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 8, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    "In Shansi I found Chinese Christians who were accustomed to spend time in fasting and prayer. They recognized that this fasting, which so many dislike, which requires faith in God, since it makes one feel weak and poorly, is really a Divinely appointed means of grace. Perhaps the greatest more

  • Sailors In The Northern Oceans Have Frequently ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Sailors in the northern oceans have frequently observed icebergs traveling in one direction in spite of strong winds blowing in the opposite direction. The icebergs were moving against the winds, but how? The explanation is that the icebergs, with eight-ninths of their bulk under the water more

  • Rich And Poor  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 1, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Billy Graham said: “We are rich in the things that perish, but poor in the things of the spirit. We are rich in gadgets, but poor in faith. We are rich in goods, but poor in grace. We are rich in know-how, but poor in character. We are rich in words, but poor in deeds.” Jesus said that our life more

  • Hope Stands Up To Its Knees In The Past And ...

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Aug 11, 2009

    Hope stands up to its knees in the past and keeps its eyes on the future. There has never been a time past when God wasn’t with us as the strength beyond our strength, the wisdom beyond our wisdom, as whatever it is in our hearts--whether we believe in God or not--that keeps us human enough at more

  • Christ's Presence: A Fact, Not A Promise

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 28, 2009

    CHRIST'S PRESENCE: A FACT, NOT A PROMISE Dr. G. Campbell Morgan told about an experience in his early Christian life. He would visit several ladies once a week to read the Bible to them. When he came to the end of Matthews Gospel, Morgan read, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the more

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