Props: trophies, on large nice trophy for the main story.

These are some nice trophies. This one was earned by my daughter through playing softball. She was so proud as they called her name up to receive this trophy. This is from a contest that one of them had worked hard for.

This large trophy is different. You see I bought this trophy at a thrift store for $2.79. If you notice it has no name on the front. This was somebody’s trophy. You can see the holes where the name plate use to be. Somebody worked hard for this beautiful trophy. You know they had to have been proud when they got it.

I could imagine they put a lot of time into earning it. I own it now for $2.79.

This tells me that things we treasure here on earth will one day pass. They will one day be brought by someone else. The possessions we own will be sold by others.

So what are you laying up?