Testimony: When I was in the Police one of my note books containing vital evidence went missing. I started to panic as in the UK any verbal evidence written down must be shown, if requested in it’s original form at court. The small voice of God prompted me to look in the confidential waste sack. Not a pleasant place to delve into as such sacks were often used to dump other things like half eaten sandwiches or old drinks cans! Apparently one of my collegues had a gripe about Christians and decided to take it out on me! You should have seen his face when I searched and found my notebook! Although after this I was more careful locking my notebooks away, one night I forgot to lock my draw and the same thing happened again. However this time that small voice from God told me "don’t even bother to look for it, trust me". Reluctantly I was obedient fearing the worst should I ever need to give evidence contained in the missing book! 18 months later I was called to give evidence and yes the evidence I needed was in the missing book. The next day having asked some church members to pray into the difficult situation, I went off to the court with fear and trepidation. To make matters worse it was a court miles away and where an unfamiliar judge was presiding! However on my arrival I was informed I wasn’t required as the case had been dismissed on a legal technicality unconnected to my evidence! How I thanked the God who knew it would be alright 18 months previously!

Are we prepared to trust Him with all that life throws at us and even with life itself?

Evangelist Roger Whipp (London UK)