I remember when I had my cancer surgery in 1979. Susan and I had a pact that when I came out from the anesthesia, no matter how bad the news, she would tell me the truth about my prognosis. When I woke up from the anesthesia, I turned to her from my bed and whispered hoarsely, "What did the doctor say?" She began to cry and told me, "It is cancer and Dr. Kumar says you have about six weeks to live."

What happened next I cannot explain. When the news hit me, I felt a sudden, tangible sense of peace go over me I could literally FEEL that bathed me from head to toe.

What happened? The Holy Spirit gave me His special comfort in my time of need and it gave me such a tangible sense of peace that it is inexplicable except that the Holy Spirit gave me that peace. But that shouldn't have been surprising.

That's one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit in our lives--to bring us comfort in catastrophe, solace in the storm, help during hopelessness.