Longfellow could take a once cent sheet of paper, write a poem on it, and make it worth thousands- that is genius- not many of us have it. Rockefeller could sign his name to a small piece of paper and make it worth millions- that is called capital- and some of us do not have much of it. The U.S. Government can take another small piece of paper, print Andrew Jackson’s picture on it, and make it worth $20- that is called money- and some of us do not have as much of that as we want. A mechanic can take a piece of metal costing only $5 dollars, and make an article worth $50- that is called skill- and not all of us have as much of that as we desire. An artist can take a piece of canvass costing about 50 cents, paint a picture on it, and make it worth thousands- that is called art- and most of us are a little short on that. But Jesus Christ can take a sinful, ruined life, wash it in His precious blood, fill it with His Spirit, and make it a glory to God and a blessing to humanity- that is called salvation- and we can have all we want.