Opening Illustration: From the Quickening
Our clip illustrates from history and current day stories the power of revival to transform individual people and who in turn then help transform an entire nation from ungodly nations to godly nations.
Clip is 35 minutes long covers the history of Revival and reveals some principles of Revival in the past and in the present.
The one key ingredient of revival that I observed from our clip was is breakthrough prayers on the part of the people of God. Prayer is a required action for revival to emerge where sin is rampant. Sin always causes devastation and bondage and the answer to sins destruction is revival. Revival comes from breakthrough prayers not by human wisdom, human strength, human money, or even human resources. It comes by God’s divine presence and manifestation of His power to transform that area through individuals one by one. The other important truth is revival comes by us asking inviting God to come! It takes communication between us and God and that is called prayer. Prayer must happen for revival to come! No prayer no revival!