We just had a poem on Death for the Christian, and in this one now, the concept is continued, though the poems are separated by over 20 years. Each stanza deals with a different aspect of life.
For me the poem is a testimony of the Christian life and the attitude to death for the Christian, and the hope that lies head. One thing I hope this poem passes to others is assurance, which we all need. I hope the words provide that for you.
The title speaks about “mystery”. Before New Testament times I think death was a mystery. The Hebrew word “sheol” covered the idea of death, grave and hell. The hell there is not the evil hell we know of. Even Jesus went to hell (the grave) – {{Acts 2:27 “because You will not abandon my soul to Hades nor allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.”}} Hades is the Hebrew sheol.
{{1 Corinthians 2:9 but just as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.”}}
{{1 Corinthians 15:54-55 but when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”}}
I think churches could do with some more teaching on the Christian and death. Maybe people steer away from it. The last stanza begins – “Death is the exit, but also the start,” and that is a truth we must always reconcile. Hope strengthens the truth.
All my poems are copyright in that they can not be changed and claimed as belonging to others. Please use whatever you can from any of my poems in Christian ministry. All that is required is acknowledgement, and you can use the word “copyright” too. On another site (a photo one) people took my photos and used them as being their own.
The Lord bless you all and keep you engaged in ministry as the time is short.
Ron - MycenaPink@gmail.com
Death opens the door, and closes the door
To pass from this life to the next.
We can’t probe the way; we can not explore.
The Lord places all in context.
The path we must walk is the path of trust,
For we can not see what’s ahead.
We are in God’s hand, mere children of dust;
Not of me, but of Christ instead.
Christ the forerunner; the One gone before –
To follow, is what we must do.
Our Lord is the Way, and He is the Door
From this life to Him, won for you.
To pass from this life to heaven’s grand shore
Is glory we can’t comprehend.
We’ll be with our Lord with life evermore;
Eternity with Him we’ll spend.
If mist clouds the way and the path looks dim,
Then do not be anxious or fret.
Place your hand in His, and full faith in Him;
Upon the Lord your eyes are set.
The way we don’t know, but the Way we know,
For that is all that matters here.
With that joyous fact, your souls will then glow,
So with death there’s nothing to fear.
Death is the exit, but also the start
Of sinless salvation above.
When all is complete, its then we depart.
We enter Christ's fullness of love.
17 August 2021 R E Ferguson 10-8-10-8