We deal with a subject today we often like to forget about. When we are young we give it little thought but when we are old, it tends to preoccupy our minds a lot more.

This poem is not so much about the subject of death itself, as it is about death for a Christian. There is an eternity of difference between death for a Christian and death for a person who has rejected Christ and God’s salvation. Death is the only true certainty of our existence unless the Lord returns for His people while still living. {{Hebrews 9:27 “Inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement -“}}

This poem is dedicated to Christine Stephens who went to the Lord on 19 June, 1999. More to the point, she flew home to glory instantly – {{2 Corinthians 5:8 “we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be ABSENT FROM THE BODY AND TO BE AT HOME WITH THE LORD.”}} It was after her funeral I began to feel the desire to write a poem on death and its position for us Christians, and this is it. In effect it is a memorial for all Christians who die to go to be with the Lord. My hope is that you might find some comfort in it. Read it thoughtfully.

Death is one of the 3 main “highlights” in a person’s life, confirmed by the ancestral records – “Birth, Marriage, Death”. Maybe Burial too, perhaps. I don’t want to go on about death and get all theological over it, but it holds a lot of fear and awe for people. The ancient Egyptians had extensive rituals for their chief officials and their Pharaohs. Most people in our society just don’t want to face the inevitable and put off the day of reckoning if we may call it that. There is a fuzzy belief that we’ll go somewhere in the sky or just become nothing at all. I think the concept of a literal hell is not welcome and rejected mainly from people’s thoughts.

Over recent years I have been attending an increasing number of funerals for Christian friends, maybe an indication of my age! However Jesus has passed that way for us, paving the way and what He does now is hold our hands as we follow Him there. There is a most comforting verse in Revelation:- {{Revelation 1:18 “and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I HAVE THE KEYS OF DEATH AND OF HADES.”}} What it tells us is that the Lord now stands there with the keys of death and hell hanging at His side – the imagery of the ancient doorkeeper who wore such a key ring with all the keys attached. It is marvellous that until the Lord places my key in the lock to call me to Himself, He will leave me here. He is in complete control.

My aim was to cover various aspects of death, as you will see in the poem. We Christians ought not be afraid of death but look towards it with a certain expectation. It’s not that we want it to come but we should know that absent here is present there. The Lord will never take you unless He has wrapped up your work for Him here.



I attended yesterday

A Christian burial,

Of a sister in the Lord;

A lady we knew well.

Sorrow there was evident

From grieving family ones;

Hope was burning in the breasts

Of the eternal sons.

Joy in sorrow, can it be

At such a time as this?

Yes, it can, for this one went

To an eternal bliss.


Why is death a terrible scourge

Upon the human race?

Christian doctrine answers this

While setting out the case.

Death arose from one’s self will;

From disobedience.

Man’s rebellion which was sin

Is in continuance.

Death has passed to every man

For everyone has sinned.

God decreed these principles

His word has underpinned.


Death remained the enemy

Till Jesus Christ appeared.

Since His time, for Christian folk,

Death is no longer feared.

On the cross He entered death,

Becoming sin for all;

Took our place that by His death

All souls might heed His call.

Through His death He gives true life

To those who would repent.

Death is but the stepping stone

To heaven where He went.


Jesus Christ - the Grain of Wheat,

Fell in the earth and died.

Through His cross have many souls

To Him been multiplied.

Resurrection body gained,

Through death, was glorious.

Christians too, will gain one day

A body that’s wondrous.

They will pass through death, to life,

New bodies later gain;

Incorruptible to be,

And flawless without stain.


Absent from the body here

And present with the Lord -

What an affirmation now

To live with Him unflawed.

Heartaches may be left behind

For grieving relatives.

Sadness may last for a time -

Dwell not on negatives.

God’s sufficiency is such

That He provides for you.

Where you are, He’s also there -

Your life He will renew.


In our grief, the blessed Lord

Identifies with it.

His compassion’s not withheld -

He feels it every bit.

Great High priest and Comforter

Is Christ, the worthy Son;

Sympathises with the grief

Found in His earthly one.

How He wept outside the tomb

When Lazarus had died!

Love embraced the sorrowing -

He cried with those who cried.


He’s the resurrection life

For those His blood has saved.

He has left the signal posts

Along the path He paved.

Death, where is your sting today!

Where is your victory!

Gone forever, death’s barbed sting,

Confined to history!

Christ, the first fruits of the grave,

Proclaimed to death, defeat.

Aspirations for the saints,

In heaven, find their seat.


Death’s the shutting of the book

Upon this earthly life.

Final chapter of our race

In this world with its strife.

Death’s the concrete stairs of faith

That rise to realms above;

Stepping stone on glory’s path

That enters to His love.

It’s a gateway op’ning wide

Upon the heav’nly scene.

It’s a call from our dear Lord

To follow where He’s been.


At His side are hanging down

The keys of death and hell.

Jesus has the sole control -

He keeps them very well.

My key too, as well as yours,

Is hanging in His care.

Not until He takes your key

Does Jesus want you there.

Then you’ll see His lovely face

And be with Him always.

Then your worship will break forth

Through endless, golden days.


Crowning love we’ll all know in

That place of sinless light.

Jesus Christ - His preciousness,

Will be each saint’s delight.

No more tears, or doubt, or pain,

But only endless peace.

There around the Lamb’s own throne,

Our praises shall not cease.

Unto Him may glory rise

From those who know His Name.

Worship Him - the Lamb of God,

Through death, He overcame!


25 June 1999 R.E.Ferguson 7-6-7-6-7-6 D

Dedicated to Christine Stephens who went to the Lord on 19 June, 1999.