This is another poem where I make use of rhyming patterns. Each line has an internal rhyme separated by one syllable. Here it is explained – “My life was SPENT, and WENT its way, with worldly discord gained.”
The rhyming scheme for the poem is A-A-B-B-C-C.
The poem in its stanzas feature these themes –
[1.] Coming to Christ in a new relationship.
[2.] Christ’s death and our response.
[3.] Christian response to their new live in Christ.
[4.] Jesus faithful in trials that come our way.
[5.] Our future in heaven with the Lord.
God so loved the world and it necessitates from every human being, a response. There are only two responses really. The first is full acceptance of what the Lord did for us; the second is neglect or rejection which means separation from God. There is no other way. If you die without Christ as your personal Saviour you spend eternity separated from God. The choice is yours.
Our response to the love of God is joy and love and gratitude. The third stanza focuses that. {{1 John 4:19 “We love, because He first loved us.”}} The AV we know so well translates as “We love Him because He first loved us.”
The greatest response in all history will be in heaven described in Revelation chapters 4 and 5. There the redeemed and the hosts of heaven unite in supreme praise. {{Revelation 5:11-13 I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing,” and every created thing, which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honour and glory and dominion forever and ever,”}}
This poem features different aspects of what we believe and must dearly hold to.
My life was spent, and went its way, with worldly discord gained.
There was no peace, to cease the fears - the sinful nature reigned.
No profit found, but bound by sin, my life did count for nought.
Then shone God’s light, in sight of which, His revelation taught.
I am my Lord’s - my sword’s been sheathed. Christ’s love has captured me.
His loveliness will dress my ways - now and eternally.
When crucified, He died for sin, to set the captives free.
His life He gave, to save them all, and give them liberty.
He rose again, to reign as King, for all His children dear.
For everyone, the Son of God, has brought Himself so near.
To Christ right now, they bow their knees, in loving attitude,
And own His name, the same dear Lord, with heartfelt gratitude.
His children raise, in praise their voice, to own His mighty name.
It’s God the Son, who won for them, salvation that they claim.
No more they fear, they hear His words, of comfort in His smile,
And in their walk, they talk of Him, whose strength is in each trial.
They love to meet, and treat each one, with brotherly regard.
They want to grow, and know their Lord, reclaim what sin has marred.
When we face trials, our smiles may fail, but He is there always.
His faithful love, above all else, will keep us all our days.
This faithful Friend will send His grace, uphold us in distress.
With tenderness, no less His care, we’ll know His full caress.
May we then grow, to know this grace, and seek His loving heart,
For Christ our Lord, adorned by us, will never draw apart.
Our life exchanged, and changed by God, will feast on better things.
Removed from earth, the worth of Christ, through heav’n with glory rings.
No more the tears, or fears to dread, but peace will reign supreme.
From every face the grace of God with joyfulness will gleam.
There on the throne, we own our Lord, Redeemer of our lives.
Forever now, will bow each heart, for Christ with us abides.
12 July 1998 - 26 Jan 1999. Ron Ferguson 14-14-14-14-14-14