This is a “constructed poem” meaning it follows a pattern. It is a series of injunctions or commands with specific structure that I will explain.
Let us take the opening line – “Take God’s truth and make it yours, and your vain ways forsake.” I will now highlight some words – “TAKE God’s truth and MAKE it yours, and your vain ways FORSAKE.” There are three rhyming words in each line. The poem follows that pattern. Each alternate line e.g. “He - the Lord accepted! We - the Lord’s elected!” also has an internal rhyme. Here it is – “He - the Lord ACCEPTED! We - the Lord’s ELECTED!”
As well, throughout it has to follow carefully the metre - 3-4-6-12. It is a bit tricky but a joy to write.
I won’t say any more about the poem except take to heart what each line says, for the commands here are for a good Christian life.
Just as a matter of interest I checked the NASB for the word “pattern” to see how often it is used. Answer – 3 times. Here they are –
{{Acts 7:44 “Our fathers had the tabernacle of testimony in the wilderness, just as He who spoke to Moses directed him to make it according to THE PATTERN which he had seen,”}}
{{Philippians 3:17 “Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to THE PATTERN you have in us,”}}
{{Hebrews 8:5 who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle, for, “See,” He says, “that you make all things according to THE PATTERN which was shown you on the mountain.”}}
Take God’s truth and make it yours, and your vain ways forsake.
He - the Lord of blessing! We - the Lord confessing!
Raise your voice and praise the Lord, and fix on Him your gaze.
He - the Lord accepted! We - the Lord’s elected!
Sing your joys and bring your thanks. Present them to the King.
He - the Lord of friendship! He - the Lord we worship!
Let your love be set on Christ, for there’ll be no regret.
He - the Lord rewarding! We - the Lord applauding!
Learn His ways and yearn for them, then His true path discern.
He - the Lord of goodness! He - the Lord of kindness!
Read His word and heed it well, for it is food indeed.
He - the Lord of learning! He - our minds are turning!
Hold God’s Word; be bold for Him, and help His love be told.
He - the Lord of mercy! He - the Lord of pity!
Greet God’s own and meet with them, for fellowship complete.
He - the Lord of wonder! He - the Lord we ponder!
13 April 1999 R E Ferguson 13-12 throughout (3-4-6-12)