I meant this to be a personal, yet touching poem. The title – Christ in me and I in Him” can be taken as a one-way dialogue between two people, the Lord and me. I am sharing with my Saviour the thoughts in my mind. (A personal chat).

On earth we think of these matters, but it won’t be long before we (Jesus and me) are face to face. Does that sound daunting? I think it sounds a bit scary, but it was Jesus who said, “Be not afraid. It is I.” Jesus will not hit His children with a big stick. He loves us so tenderly. {{Acts 18:9 The Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, “DO NOT BE AFRAID ANY LONGER, but go on speaking and do not be silent.”}} {{Mark 6:49-50 but when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed that it was a ghost and cried out, for they all saw Him and were frightened but immediately He spoke with them and said to them, “Take courage. IT IS I, DO NOT BE AFRAID.”}}

Each child of God He will welcome when he and she enters heaven, either through the Rapture or through the gateway of death. Let us talk to our Saviour here and now just as you would commune with your closest friend.

I won’t comment on the poem as it is quite straightforward, but I will take up the last line – “The harvest of redemptive wheat.” We are the harvest of the finest wheat, all sprung up from Christ who is the grain of wheat that fell into the ground and died to itself. From that sacrificial death on the cross, a great harvest has resulted. {{John 12:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, UNLESS A GRAIN OF WHEAT FALLS INTO THE EARTH AND DIES, it remains by itself alone, but if it dies it bears much fruit.”}}

If some of you wonder why I add this under each stanza ============================== it is because the stanzas lose their formatting on SermonCentral, and I use that to show the stanza divisions.

God bless you all.



Within the quietness of my heart,

I commune with You, my Friend.

My heart is Yours without sin’s blame,

And doubly so through love’s great claim.


In steadfastness with saddened heart,

I behold this world in time,

With You, in peace, and sweet delight:-

The heav’nly Lamb commands my sight.


You’ve called me to Your Father’s love;

A citizen of heaven.

Transported soon to Your dear side,

With You forever, to abide.


Give me Your grace for faithfulness,

While time is portioned to me.

‘Till the day of transformation,

Let me bravely hold my station.


Lord Jesus, come, Your beauty show!

My yearning heart seeks for You;

For then salvation is complete:

The harvest of redemptive wheat.

11 March 1998 R E Ferguson 8-7-8-8