One day I called at the counter of the tiny post office in rural Arkansas to pick up a package they were holding for JPH (my company).

When the lady bringing my package looked at the PO Box address on it, she said Oh good, you work for JPH. And I said Yes maam I do.

She had been watching for someone from JPH to come in so she could talk to them.

And she began telling me she had noticed that someone at JPH was receiving their personal mail at JPH's box!! She was very upset they would do this, and most indignant about it. Everyone knows you don’t have your personal mail come to your work address so she was sure I would get that corrected right away.

Bless her heart, she really did think she was doing me a favor telling me that. I think she fancied herself the Postmaster of that little one man post office in rural Arkansas. So of course I said, Oh no, that’s terrible!!! What was the name on the personal mail?

When she told me I smiled and said, Oh that’s okay, that’s me and I own the company … lolololololol.