The Psalms are always wonderful. Each one has come from the emotional positions of the writers. They represent worship, praise, request, history, prophecy, and prayer, among other things, such as the great Psalm 119 uplifting the word of God.
The Psalms also represented the song book of the Temple and Israel. Anyone who neglects the psalms does so at his and her loss. I think they were sung in the early church.
It was the reading of Psalm 17 that inspired me to compose this poem. Around that period in my life I was facing some big battles and I found such comfort and relief in the Psalms. They never let me down.
David faced many political battles and those from enemies and he was a man of prayer. His prayers are recorded for us, and that same strength his prayers gave him in his Psalms, can be ours as well. They certainly were for me.
I took words and phrases from this Psalm in composing the 4 stanzas. Some of the verses from which material was drawn are now quoted. This Psalm in one to take to heart when facing difficulty. If that suits you, then claim it as your own. I did. God bless all those facing difficulties.
{{Psalm 17:8 KEEP ME AS THE APPLE OF THE EYE. HIDE ME in the shadow of Your wings
Psalm 17:9 from the wicked who despoil me, my deadly enemies who surround me.
Psalm 17:6 I have called upon You, FOR YOU WILL ANSWER ME, O God. Incline Your ear to me and hear my speech.
Psalm 17:7 Wondrously SHOW YOUR LOVING-KINDNESS, O SAVIOUR of those who take refuge at Your right hand from those who rise up against them.
Psalm 17:15 As for me, I SHALL BEHOLD YOUR FACE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake.
Psalm 17:12 He is like a lion that is eager to tear, and as a young lion lurking in hiding places.
Psalm 17:13 Arise, O LORD, confront him and bring him low. DELIVER MY SOUL FROM THE WICKED with Your sword.}}
Keep me as the apple of Your eye;
As the pupil of the eye, its daughter.
Deadly enemies surrounded me.
They desired that my steps would falter.
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings.
From despoilers, give me Your protection.
At Your right hand there’s a refuge safe.
There, O Saviour, we’ll not know rejection.
Answer me, O God; incline Your ear,
As I have called upon You in my need.
Loving kindness You will surely show.
I’m with Your likeness satisfied indeed.
Lord, arise, bring low my evil foe;
My soul deliver from the wicked’s sword.
With Your hand save from the tearing lion;
From lurking men found in this world, O Lord.
4 February 1999 R E Ferguson 9-10-9-10