Consider the journey of a fictional Afro American artist named Maya, who grew up in a neighborhood plagued by inequity. Her early life was fraught with challenges—families losing homes, schools underfunded, and dreams foiled by systemic barriers. However, Maya found solace in art, a channel through which she could express her pain and dreams.

After years of struggle, she finally held her first gallery show. Each piece was inspired by the stories of her ancestors, the beauty woven through their resilience despite generations of hardship. As patrons gathered, she spoke about overcoming adversity and the significance of reclaiming lost narratives.

In an emotional moment during her speech, she quoted Joel 2:25, sharing with her audience how she felt that her art was a testament to God’s promise: "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten." Her works represented not just personal growth, but a collective restoration—honoring the past while looking towards a hopeful future.