I hope this poem credits the Lord with all the devotion that is His. You will see the poem is in three sections. Also it has a distinctive rhyming scheme with internal rhymes. Additionally, you have many words rhyming with “feet” through the poem. You will see all that in the feel of the words as you read.

“Feet” speaks of humility, brought out by the passage – {{1 Corinthians 12:14-15 “for the body is not one member, but many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body.”}} The feet do all the moving, and some heavy moving at that! The feet meet the ground with the dust and refuse and spikes and all the rest. It is a humbling position to have, but a necessary one.

The feet of the Lord Jesus walked the land to minister to others, but He was the Almighty God veiled in human flesh. John walked with the Lord and saw those feet so many times but after the ascension, the only time that happened again is here – {{Revelation 1:17 When I saw Him, I FELL AT HIS FEET as a dead man, and He laid His right hand upon me saying, “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last,”}}

The three sections of the poem cover the past, the present and the future. The word in the title – encompassing – is meant to be a full cover through the ages of the feet of the Lord.

Those at Philadelphia who opposed the saints living there have this severe warning – {{Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie - behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”}}

Everyone who has rejected or ignored the Lord will have to bow at His feet one day in judgement at the great white throne. Please repent and be saved from a Christless eternity.



At His feet, no feat of man,

Compares with Mary’s love.

There she wept, her hair she swept;

Her love ascends above.


At His feet, the street was laid

With branches of the palm.

Oh how vile, to reconcile,

That they could do Him harm.



At His feet, He’ll treat with love,

Each one who bows in need.

He receives, each who believes;

Repentance they do heed.


At His feet, the heat of strife,

Will find a calm relief.

Our High Priest, e’en for the least,

Provides for them in grief.


At His feet, the fleet slow down,

And learn while there to rest.

Slow ones too, this need construe -

They know this place the best.


At His feet, the seat we take,

Each day for daily walk,

Will declare, to this world’s glare,

The substance of our talk.


At His feet, how sweet it is

To learn of our dear Lord;

Watching out, for His loud shout,

To go to His reward.


At His feet, each bleat that’s heard,

Of one who’s in distress,

Then is raised - our God be praised -

To know a lamb’s caress.



At His feet, the wheat he reaped,

Will thank Him evermore.

Each will praise, with hearts ablaze,

The Saviour they adore.


At His feet, He’ll greet each saint,

When death is granted them.

Glory’s face, they will embrace;

From God all mercies stem.


At His feet, the “neat” program,

Of man’s imposed control,

Will collapse, when our King maps,

The kingdom that’s His goal.


At His feet, I’ll meet my Lord,

My God, and Saviour, too;

On Him look, and know He took,

The place that was my due.


30 May 1999 R E Ferguson 7-6-7-6 ABCB