I find it so offensive to hear cursing and the Lord’s name taken in vain by someone trying to be assertive or big note himself. In fact so much of the relatively modern cinema is full of blasphemy. I hear speeches and listen to programs, and those from the USA often contain cursing in the Lord’s name and blasphemy.

Hollywood is full of blasphemy, as are comedians. The films are full of it. The list is long.

I am NOT saying other peoples don’t do it; they do, but America is the worse. I think this poem expresses my thoughts on the matter. For some decades this has been the trend but in my opinion it is becoming worse. I am sure it is, as men and women become more godless – Jesus is just a swear name. I do not wish to offend Americans and I am sure many Christians in the USA would agree with me.

Exodus 20:7 “YOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD YOUR GOD IN VAIN, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.”}}

Leviticus 18:21 “Neither shall you give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, NOR SHALL YOU PROFANE THE NAME OF YOUR GOD. I am the LORD.”

Colossians 4:6 “LET YOUR SPEECH ALWAYS BE WITH GRACE, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person.”

Romans 3:13-14 “Their throat is an open grave. With their tongues they keep deceiving.” “The poison of asps is under their lips.” “WHOSE MOUTH IS FULL OF CURSING and bitterness.”

I cover this in the poem, but it is too easy for Christians to become tainted by foul speech and start using the same expressions themselves. It is a form of permeation, which becomes a compromise. We must be careful for it is not honouring to our Lord.


America, America, how sad!

You have the worst blasphemers on the earth.

They curse God more than any nation does.

Is that abuse of language any worth?


Whether in emphasis or stress in speech,

The Lord’s Name always is taken in vain.

There is no need for that careless conduct,

And by that usage, what have they to gain?


In blasphemy, America is king.

In films, in books, in speeches, it pours out.

They curse the Lord’s Name in so many ways,

As one outdoes the other, so to flout.


But what is flouted, we might consider?

The bible’s commands are reduced to nought.

God is insulted and His word abused.

What blasphemous ways, wickedness has wrought.


It is hurtful and ugly when we hear

Such blasphemy written, or used in speech.

It assaults my spirit and decency,

And in wholesome language, it is a breech.


If homosexuality I raise,

To be in opposition to its ways,

I would be struck down by sexual laws.

To object to blasphemy, no law pays.


The vileness of this speech will continue

Until the Second Coming of the Lord.

In the Tribulation, blasphemy’s rife,

But Christ is coming with His open sword.


Christian, be very careful with your talk.

So easy it is to ape what you hear;

To be careless with the Lord’s holy Name.

Depart blasphemy, and keep your speech clear.


12 March 2022 R E Ferguson Metre = 10 throughout ABCB