A while back I was in store getting some groceries as I observed a mother battling with her child. He was screaming at the top of his lungs and lying on the floor kicking and lashing out at his mother. The mother was really embarrassed by the child’s behavior, and she seemed overwhelmed and shocked by this little toddler's temper tantrum. You may be thinking, what led up to this toddler's emotional outburst? Was he abused, neglected, felt unloved by his mother? No, none of the above! I had observed this family prior in the store and this little boy seemed normal and even cute. He was polite and behaving himself in the store as I passed by them several times shopping. But as we were standing in line this sweet little blond-haired boy who had seemed to be a mom’s perfect child had decided he wanted a candy bar. She looked at the cute little boy and said the horrible word, “No!” But before the o was all the way out of her mouth the little cute boy transformed into the Devil from Hell. His whole countenance changed from cute and lovable to a raging lunatic who caused many to look on in horror. I think I heard one other person mumble, “I am glad he is not my son!” So, what happened to all American cute little picture child? He unleashed his self-centered – selfish behavior in an attempt to get what he wanted. The tantrum lasted less than 3 minutes and I was rooting inside for the mother saying, “Don’t give in!” “Be tough!” But my heart sank as she finally reached up and handed him the candy bar! I must admit I wanted to go over there and take the candy bar away from the devil from hell, but I could not. Amazingly his whole demeanor changed back to little boy blue. His mom turned back around in line, and I saw this little monster crack a smile behind his mother's back. When he turned his little head my way, we locked eyes and I glared at him and shook my head. And you know what he did he stuck his tongue out at me! In a sense he said in his selfish little mind “I got what I wanted, and I love it!” The fact is if this mother continued to raise her child this way, then he would grow up and become another self-centered adult.
How many of us have experienced scenarios like this in stores? I suspect most of us have seen it or been the parent going through this type of struggle.
Many professional people say that kids will outgrow this self-centered attitude about life as they get older. But the truth is many do not. I do not believe that selfishness disappears with age it just changes form and expression as an adult. Yes, adults do not throw themselves on the floor and have temper tantrums.