Genesis 8:15-22 Devotional
After the flood had dried up, God instructed Noah (v15) and Noah obeyed (v16).
Isn’t it interesting that we note birds from the ark but not fish…. Noah, did you keep fish in the ark??? – either he kept fish in the ark or God kept fish in the clouds or God recreated fish; we’ll have to ask Noah when we get to heaven 😊
Why did Noah build an altar and sacrificed burnt offerings (v20)? – Noah worshiped on his own because of his awe and thankfulness to God!
How did Noah know what to do? – worship must have been passed down from his ancestors
What is an “altar”? – a structure built where worship rituals can be done
From v21, how does God see man? – God knows man is a sinner but still loves them; God is pleased when man returns to God in worship!
In spite of this, how did God respond to Noah’s worship? – God was pleased!
Why do you think God responded that way? – God is pleased when people accept the truth about their Creator!
What godly principles from this passage can we apply for our lives today? – We have to ask ourselves, is God pleased with our worship?