Once while living in Dallas, I witnessed to someone I worked with who proceeded to tell me they believed they just needed to be a good person to go to Heaven. Though I explained what the Bible says about being saved, they rejected my witness and went on with their life. It was clear to me they were not headed in the direction they thought they were since no man can enter heaven without a saving knowledge of Jesus.

Back in the late 1990s, I was moving from Western Oklahoma to the Dallas area with the help of my grown son and a couple of our friends.

We were at my storage stall in Oklahoma loading up and the UHaul truck needed to be moved outside the gate of the storage business so we could close everything back up and move on.

So I got into the truck and two of the guys stood one on the front left, one on the front right to wave me through the gate as I had not ever driven a truck of that size before and I was not sure I could steer it.

As they waved this way and that, I steered and followed their directions trying to get through the gate. And they were like Come on, come on – give it some gas. So I figured I must have the truck lined up, and I gave it some gas to get me through the gate as they both screamed Get out of the way! and jumped out of the way just before I drove it through the fence beside the gate.

Though we try to steer ourselves right, we are not always headed in the direction we think we are. We should check our direction regularly and ascertain that anything we believe lines up with the Word of God. Otherwise, like me in that truck, we could end up some place completely different, and where we do not wish to be.