I have a dog named Simba. I named him Simba because he is the color of a lion and he has the personality of a lion even though he is a chihuahua.
One afternoon, we were really tired and I decided to take a quick nap with Simba.
Simba has a certain place on the bed beside me where he always lays. I had laid something on the bed in his place earlier not thinking when I was straightening things.
To a dog, if you put something of yours on their place it means they aren’t allowed there. That’s how dogs show other dogs what is theirs and where their territory is.
When I moved what was in his place, he moved closer to me.
As I watched this, I thought "That’s how the Lord is!"
Any time we move what is in His rightful place in our hearts and lives, He will move into that area and fill it with His glorious self.
But any time we prefer our busy-ness, activities, sin or wrong relationships over Him, He will stay out.