If you ever study the EMPEROR PENGUIN LIFE JOURNEY you will understand how important SINGING is to them. EMPEROR PENGUINS LOVE TO SING. When the emperor penguins are courting the male and the female BOW and SING to each other. The female sings a beautiful song. She sings short, soft and gentle songs. The male sings loud and long. This continues for days.

When the mother penguin is singing continuously and when she has laid her egg, she keeps singing her beautiful soft song. She walks away from the nest to head toward the ocean. She sings on her long journey. The momma stays gone about 2 weeks. She is feeding and storing food in her system. She gets stronger and stronger. All the while she is singing her beautiful song. After her feeding time the female emperor penguin returns to her egg, she sings and sings. She finds the male and their precious little egg by listening for the familiar song the male sings.

While the female is gone the male keeps the egg off the ice and snow by allowing the egg to rest on his feet to insulate the egg from the cold. While the male penguin stands in the cold he sings and sings and sings. Day after day the male sings until the female returns. When she returns she places the egg on her feet. They sing a beautiful duet together.

The male heads toward the ocean. He has not ate in 2 weeks. He listens to his mate sing as he leaves for the ocean to gain nourishment. As the male leaves he and the female sing and he waddles away singing loud and long. He returns to the nest area singing. The female hears his song and welcomes him home by singing to him. Now both the female and male are strong and soon they prepare for the little one to hatch. They are singing the whole time.

Shortly before the little one is hatched one can place your ear near the egg and listen closely YOU CAN HEAR THE BABY EMPEROR PENGUIN SINGING ITS SONG EVEN BEFORE THE LITTLE ONE HATCHES…