There were two precious brothers. They loved each other. Their parents owned a huge farm. The brothers worked in harmony alongside their mom and dad for years. Suddenly and unexpectedly the father and mother died. One brother went to a lawyer about the division of the land. The other brother hired another lawyer and the farm was tied up in court several years. The brothers never talked for years. They attended the same church. One sat on the left. The other sat on the right. The brothers could not stand the sight of the other. Both felt cheated in the land division. They would not even wave at each other when they passed. There was a river that divided the property.

One day the one brother won several million dollars in the lottery. He decided to take his wife to Hawaii for a long vacation. Before they flew away, the rich brother hired the best carpenter in town to build a high fence so he did not have to see his mean brother. The old carpenter was very good but he was almost deaf. The carpenter ordered all the materials and started the work as the millionaire and his family boarded the jet to spend two months in Hawaii. The carpenter hired a large crew and began the work. The old carpenter built the strongest and most beautiful BRIDGE known in those parts. The bridge crossed the river and connected the two adjacent farms. This really touched the brother at home. He went over to his rich brother’s farm and plowed and planted crops for him. They cut the hay and put it in the barn. The brother was so pleased that his mean brother was building this bridge to bring them together again.

After two months the bridge was complete. It was beautiful. The brother flew home and was so surprised. His brother had worked his farm, painted the house and worked so hard. The brother gathered the whole community to celebrate the return of his brother. There was a huge meal and they all hugged and rejoiced. The rich brother said what is all of this? We had not talked in several years? The brother said: WE ARE SO PROUD OF THAT BRIDGE YOU HAD BUILT TO BRING OUR FAMILIES BACK TOGETHER. He enquired: WHAT BRIDGE? The one the old hard hearing carpenter built.

The brother was amazed at the bridge. He thought: WHAT A MIRACLE, I TOLD HIM TO BUILD A WALL TO SEPARATE US. MAYBE IT WAS GOD THAT HE MISUNDERSTOOD AND BUILT A BRIDGE. The two families lived happily ever after? A coincidence or accident? Maybe God was in the bridge?