The weather had turned very cold. The snow was coming down. The cold north wind was blowing so hard. The young girl was walking through the field returning home. She heard someone calling to her. She stopped to listen. The voice was coming from the ground. A beautiful voice asked her to stop and listen to him. She looked down and at huge rattle snake. The rattler grinned real big. The girl could see what big fangs he had. The snake said: I AM DYING. I WILL BE DEAD IN A FEW MINUTES IF YOU DON’T HELP ME. The snake also explained to the girl: US SNAKES GET A BAD RAP. WE ARE NICE AND LOVING…The girl said: MOM AND DAD TAUGHT ME TO STAY FAR AWAY FROM ANY SNAKE. The girl said maybe you could crawl in the basket.

The snake said I will still freeze to death in the basket. If you come close and reach down I will crawl up your sleeve. I am really a nice snake, don’t believe all the garbage about me. So with some gentle persuasion the girl allowed the snake to crawl up the sleeve and wrap around her warm body.

When they got to the house the mom and dad had left a large fire in the stove and the house was so toasty. The rattle snake said see I am a good snake, let me go in the house and stay near the stove. The girl said: Yes, you are a good snake and she allowed the snake to lay in the coal bucket. The snake curled up, got warm and took a nap.

Later the girl had forgotten about the rattle snake and she reached in the coal bucket to throw some more coal on the fire. As she reached down she startled the snake and he sank his fangs into her hand. As she lay in the floor she knew she was dying. She looked at the rattle snake and said: I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MY MOM AND DAD. I should have never allowed you in my coat. I have wasted my future for a slick trick of my enemy.