Over the last few Wednesdays, we have been studying how to make wise choices in who are your close friends. One of the main points is- To have a close friend, you have to be a close friend. We live in a time where people enjoy destroying other people and leave them discouraged. In our sermon today we our going to learn how to be an encourager.

If you are here this morning and you have been told what a failure you are; I need you to listen to me closely. I have a few quotes about people that you should hear.

* “He will never amount to anything”- Munich School Master concerning Albert Einstein.

* “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivn’ a truck”- Elvis Presley’s 1st Manager.

* “You are too stupid to learn anything”- Numerous teachers of Thomas Edison.

* “You are fired. You are not creative enough”- The Head of a Missouri News Paper to Walt Disney.