The church is the bride of Christ. If we love the groom (Jesus), we will look for positive things to say about the bride (the church). Bob Russell tells a story about how years ago, when there were multiple party telephone lines, a preacher picked up the telephone to make a call but couldn’t get a dial tone. However, he could hear people talking in a normal conversation in their home. He recognized the 2 voices as faithful members of the church. They started talking about the church and then they started talking about the preacher. The preacher used this as an illustration a few Sunday later. He said, “I picked up the phone and I heard 2 church members on the other end talking about the church, and they were talking about me.” A hush came over the congregation like we wouldn’t believe! Then he said, “It was Chuck and JoAnn Peterman, and they were talking positively,” and the whole congregation breathed a sigh of relief!
If we bugged your home and taped your conversations about the church, would your speech given evidence of your love for the bride of Christ, or would it reveal ridicule and betrayal? If somehow a stranger were listening to the conversation around your dining room table, would it be obvious to that person that you were a Christian? “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”” John 13:35, NIV.