Shake it together! If we placed the parts of a wrist watch in a bag and began to shake it; how long do you think it would be, before it came together, and function properly? Both the world and the watch had a creator, designer, and maker.
The world did not begin as a result of a big bang. God created the heavens and the earth. The watch on your arm did not assemble itself and begin normal function without a creator, designer and maker.
The “fool has said in his heart there is no God,” Psalms 14:1; Psalms 53:1.
The fool makes this assumption without any evidence. The bible of course supports the creation of the world; and not an evolution theory.
Darwin’s theory – has no scientific validation or replication! (What I mean; has such an event occur again? Did the same evolution occur?) This theory is without merit and has no scientific verification.