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In Sermon Illustrations: "Prodigal Son"

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  • It Is Possible For A Man To Believe ...

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 29, 2005

    It is possible for a man to believe intellectually in God, yet not allow God to have dominion in his life. For instance, consider the painter, Van Gogh. He was born the son of a Lutheran pastor and was a student of theology. He served as a missionary in a more

  • Turn To God From Idols. For The Sword Of His ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 9, 2006

    "Turn to God from idols. For the sword of His wrath that had been aimed at you has been sheathed into the heart of His Son. And the arrows of His anger that had been put against your breast were loosed into the Lord Jesus more

  • In Speaking Of Mothers, One Noted Writer ...

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on May 12, 2008

    In speaking of mothers, one noted writer declared: “There is Monica, mother of Augustine, who when her son wandered far astray from her early teaching, never lost faith that God would bring him back, more

  • Parental ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 26, 2009

    PARENTAL GUIDANCE Did you hear about the young mother and her kindergarten aged son who were driving down the road and the inquisitive little boy turned to his mother and asked, "Mommy, why do the ’idiots’ only come out when more

  • Hugh Downs Was On 20/20 Interviewing Billy Graham ...

    Contributed by Chris Edmondson on May 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Hugh Downs was on 20/20 interviewing Billy Graham years back, and the subject turned to homosexuality. Hugh Downs looked at Graham and asked this question: “If you had a son who was a homosexual, would you love him?” Billy more

  • Certain Disreputable Citizen Met His Demise. In ...

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jun 17, 2009

    A certain disreputable citizen met his demise. In conducting his funeral the preacher, carried away with his own oratory, waxed eloquent in eulogizing the deceased. He went on and on. The widow, knowing the deceased better than the preacher did, whispered to more

  • Some Months Ago I Heard A Touching Story About A ...  PRO

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Jun 5, 2001
    based on 249 ratings

    Some months ago I heard a touching story about a humble, consecrated pastor whose young son had become very ill. After the boy had undergone an exhaustive series of tests, the father was told the shocking news that his son had a terminal illness. The youngster had accepted Christ as his Savior, so more

  • The Contrast: Christ Versus Antichrist  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    THE CONTRAST: CHRIST VERSUS ANTICHRIST 1. Christ came from above. Antichrist will ascend from the pit. 2. Christ came in His Father’s name. Antichrist will come in his own name. 3. Christ humbled Himself. Antichrist will exalt himself. 4. Christ was despised. Antichrist will be admired. 5. more

  • The Kids Are Coming  PRO

    Contributed by Aaron Burgess on Nov 19, 2002
    based on 123 ratings

    THE KIDS ARE COMING The day before Thanksgiving an elderly man in Phoenix called his son in New York and said to him, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; 45 years of misery is enough. We’re sick of each other, and so you call your sister in more

  • A Young Man Was At The End Of His Rope. Seeing No ...  PRO

    Contributed by Johanna Radelfinger on May 26, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    A young man was at the end of his rope. Seeing no way out he dropped to his knees in prayer. "Lord, I can’t go on," he said. "I have too heavy a cross to bear." The Lord replied, "My son, if you can’t bear its weight, just place your cross inside this room. Then open that other door and pick out more

  • Few Know That Bill Gates Was Once A Student At ...  PRO

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Nov 4, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Few know that Bill Gates was once a student at Harvard. He dropped out to give all of his attention to his new love: computers. His mother was a Regent at the University of Washington and was upselt that her son had dropped out of school. She asked a family friend, respected by Bill in his own more

  • All We Need This Christmas Season  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 20, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    All We Need This Christmas Season Bow before the manger baby Call upon him now and sing Born of Mary in a stable Near her breast this holy thing He was bound by things created Alive alone to set us free Worshipped by the joyful shepherds Midst the sounds of infant glee Honor him who lay in more

  • No Charge

    Contributed by Danny Rogers on Sep 27, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A young boy wrote a letter to his mother: Dear Mom, For cleaning my room: 25c For doing the dishes: 25c For taking out the trash: 25c For cutting the grass: 25c Total: $1.00 The mother came home and read the note. She then pulled out the dollar and placed it with his note. She then more

  • Life Examples: Abraham: The Man Of Endurance ...  PRO

    Contributed by Nathan Parker on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Life Examples: Abraham: The Man of Endurance (Gen. 21:1-3) Call Abraham not only a man of faith (Gal. 3:9), but a man of endurance. The starting gun sounded when God promised Abraham a son in his old age, and Abraham "believed in the LORD" (Gen. 15:5-6). Buy a year came and went, and no child more

  • John Betjeman Wrote Some Memorable Lines On The ...

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Dec 2, 2007

    John Betjeman wrote some memorable lines on the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ: ‘And is it true this most tremendous tale of all, / The Maker of the stars and sea / Became a child on earth for me?’ It is true, we believe, but it isn’t the whole truth: for the whole truth is that the Maker more

  • Elevator Magic  PRO

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    ELEVATOR MAGIC An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and back together again. The boy asked his father, "What is this, Father?" The father [never having seen an elevator] more

  • Augustine, Who Became One Of The Great ...

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Aug 30, 2007

    Augustine, who became one of the great theologians and greatest preaching leaders of his day, was a very wild young man. He had a mother who prayed deeply for him all the time. One day, Augustine announced that he was moving to Rome. His mother was devastated. She prayed, "Oh, God, don’t let more

  • Remember Who Your Daddy Is

    Contributed by David Hodgin on Jun 24, 2009

    REMEMBER WHO YOUR DADDY IS George Foreman is famous for many things: boxing champion, pitchman, grill guru, television celebrity, and, he named all five of his sons, George. When asked why he gave all his sons the same name, he usually quips something like, "If you’d been hit in the head as many more

  • Victor Frankl: Prisoner Story

    Contributed by Bradley Kellum on Aug 25, 2009

    VICTOR FRANKL: PRISONER STORY Victor Frankl was a Viennese psychiatrist whose entire family was captured and kept in Concentration camps in Nazi Germany. While Frankl was being held prisoner his father, mother and wife all died in camps. Only Frankl’s sister and himself survived. Dr. Frankl has more

  • Drop Everything

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Jun 22, 2010

    DROP EVERYTHING A child is doing his homework inside, and it's a bright and sunny day. The child's father runs in and says, "Son, drop EVERYTHING! We're going to the amusement park, and you're going to play all afternoon!" The son gladly drops his pencil and paper and runs to follow his father! more

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