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  • Amazing Forgiveness

    Contributed by Bret Toman on Nov 26, 2011

    AMAZING FORGIVENESS Philip Yancey in Rumours of Another World shares a story of the remarkable. The story of an atrocity that happened during the days of apartheid in South Africa and the reconciliation that followed in a court room many years later. A policeman named Van de Broek recounted an more

  • Overwhelming Forgiveness

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 12, 2011

    OVERWHELMING FORGIVENESS A wonderful example of how to practice the lifestyle of grace comes from an incident in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on October 2, 2006, when a man entered an Amish schoolhouse and murdered 5 girls while wounding 5 others before killing himself. As horrific as this more

  • Mary's Choice

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Mar 22, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    MARY'S CHOICE Mary Khoury, 17 from Damour, Lebanon and her family were forced to their knees before their home. The leader of the Muslim fanatics who had raided their village waved his pistol carelessly before their faces. His hatred for Christians burned in his eyes. "If you do not become a more

  • Please Come Home.

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    "PLEASE COME HOME." There was a girl named Christina, who lived in a dusty village of Brazil. In her late teens she was upset with her parents because she thought she was restricted. She had this dream of going to Rio De Janeiro, but her mother knew that she will not be able to take care of more

  • Only The Strong Forgive

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    ONLY THE STRONG FORGIVE Mahatma Gandhi said, "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the more

  • The "Stream Of Forgiveness"  PRO

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Apr 14, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    THE "STREAM OF FORGIVENESS" Mirosalv Volf wrote a fantastic book on forgiveness titled "Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace." In the book he uses the beautiful imagery of a stream to show how God's character (love) is poured into us by His Spirit and becomes our more

  • N. Mandela "Unforgiveness Is Like Drinking ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    N. Mandela “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and then hoping it more

  • In His Alpha Talk "What About The Church," Nicky ...  PRO

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Mar 30, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    In his Alpha Talk “What About the Church,” Nicky Gumbel tells this story about John Wimber, the founding pastor of the Anaheim Vineyard Christian Fellowship and the Worldwide Vineyard Movement: “John Wimber was once approached by a member of his congregation who had met somebody in great need. more

  • Do They Know You Love Them?

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 31, 2008

    DO THEY KNOW YOU LOVE THEM? On a cold winter evening a man suffered a heart attack and after being admitted to the hospital, the man asked the nurse to call his daughter. He explained, "You see, I live alone and she is the only family I have." The nurse went to phone the daughter. The daughter was more

  • Bad Meat

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Jul 3, 2008

    Bad Meat Colin Byrne Smith of Australia told of a missionary who called on a tribe of cannibals. Taking his life in his hands, he crossed the inlet in a small boat, and when confronted by the tribe, meekly endured every insult. Long afterwards, when he had succeeded in converting many and more

  • Bag Of Candy

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Jul 27, 2008

    BAG OF CANDY A young boy was arrested and brought before the judge for taking a bag of candy from the shelf of a local store. The owner of the store pressed charges because he wanted the boy to learn a lesson. After a lecture from the judge, the judge asked the young boy if he had anything to more

  • A Clean Slate

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Jul 27, 2008

    A CLEAN SLATE A little boy was told by his mother not to play near a certain pond. One day the temptation was too much, and, venturing too close, he fell into the water. He was very conscious of his wrongdoing, and most uncomfortable. So he wrote on his school slate: "Dear Mother, I am sorry I more

  • How Much Is Enough?

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 11, 2008

    HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? Each week Kevin Tunell was required to mail a dollar to a family he'd rather forget. They sued him for $1.5 million but settled for just $936, to be paid a dollar at a time. The family expected the payment each Friday so Tunell would not forget what happened on the first Friday more

  • Forgiving Jerks

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 7, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Forgiving Jerks There's great power in our hands. It's the power to forgive a jerk-bully, a jerk-cheater, a jerk-thief. It’s powerful because it's unexpected. Jerks expect us to cry, run, or take revenge. The last thing they expect is forgiveness. That's why it's so disarming. Forgive them more

  • All In The Closet

    Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Sep 17, 2008

    Robert C. Tuttle told this: Some years ago, after a vigorous brotherly and sisterly disagreement, our three children retired only to be aroused at two o'clock in the morning by a terrific thunderstorm. Hearing an unusual noise upstairs I called in to find out more

  • Redemption And Restoration In Real Life  PRO

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 27, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Redemption and Restoration in Real Life I conclude this morning with a story about what happened since a tragic event that took place 9 months ago around Christmas time at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I share it because I think it makes a point about moving beyond the 'Who, Them?' To more

  • Forgiveness: No Ugly Pictures

    Contributed by John Petty on Jan 18, 2008

    FORGIVENESS: NO UGLY PICTURES I was approached by the station manager of a local television station in Pensacola, Fl to contribute a 50-second devotional for his program transition period. I was reluctant to agree, since I struggled to limit my sermons to even 30 minutes. But feeling impressed by more

  • Did You Read About The Pope's Passing ...

    Contributed by Bob Gillchrest on Dec 8, 2008

    Did you read about the Pope's passing forgiveness on John Lennon’s famous statement when the Beatles were climbing the ladder of popularity and success in the 60s? He forgave John for claiming that one day the Beatles would be more popular and famous than Jesus Christ. Well, the Pope may have more

  • Father Forgive Them

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 11, 2008

    FATHER FORGIVE THEM There was once a man who was born in a little town back east. He grew up and took on the family business. The only earthly father he had ever known died sometime in his teen years and as the oldest son he took on the responsibility of caring for his mother. He had a good more

  • Dwight L. Moody, The 19th Century American ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2008

    Dwight L. Moody, the 19th century American evangelist, once said, "Forgiveness is not to say, 'I will forgive, but not forget.' It is not to bury the hatchet with the handle sticking out of the ground, so you can grasp it the minute more

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