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In Sermon Illustrations: "Born Again"

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  • Born Again Tree

    Contributed by Erik Stadler on Jan 6, 2011

    BORN AGAIN TREE Back when I was growing up we had a tree in our back yard. And is often the case after a storm the tree’s trunk cracked and blew down. There wasn’t anything we could do to save that tree. So my father borrowed a chain saw and cut down the tree right at the bottom so that all more

  • The Born-Again Vase

    Contributed by Michael Walther on May 18, 2011

    THE BORN-AGAIN VASE A number of years ago I had the opportunity to tour the Villeroy and Boch porcelain factory in Torgau, Germany. Porcelain is one of the most beautiful and enduring things that human beings can make. Even today much of what we know about ancient cultures comes from what they more

  • Born Losers

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Apr 28, 2009

    BORN LOSERS Susan Boyle has taken the world by storm. Here is this middle aged homely spinster who has never been kissed--and she has won the hearts of not only Britain, but nearly everyone in the world. Why is that? Is it because she is such a fantastic singer? I don’t think so. There are more

  • You Must Be Born Again  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN Paula Webster had been raised in a Christian home, had been given a Christian education, and was settled down in what seemed to be a Christian marriage. She was active in her church, attended Bible conferences, and even had regular times of personal Bible study. She said more

  • J.c. Penney Born Again

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 19, 2009

    J.C. PENNEY BORN AGAIN The late great business man and entrepreneur, James Cash Penney (1875 - 1971), founder of the J.C. Penney stores, in his autobiography entitled "Fifty Years with the Golden Rule," tells of his being in the Battle Creek Sanitarium one night when he thought he was dying. He more

  • An Illustration Of Born Again. A Volkswagon ...

    Contributed by Arliss Beavers on Dec 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    An illustration of Born Again. A Volkswagon wants to become a Cadillac, and learns that it takes more than a mere emblem change to do so. It taks a trip to the refiners more

  • Object Lesson: New Socks

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Apr 13, 2009

    OBJECT LESSON: NEW SOCKS One of the things that our church does is that we give out new socks to some of the homeless men and women. You walk around and sleep here and there, and even if you take care of yourself and shower, your socks get dirty. When you’ve been wearing probably the same clothes more

  • Object Lesson: The Mop Head

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Apr 13, 2009

    OBJECT LESSON: THE MOP HEAD I have here a mop head that I recently replaced at the Upper Room. This has been used to mop urine. I know, because I mopped up when this guy urinated all over himself, the couch he was sitting on, and the floor while he was asleep. It has mopped up the filth that was more

  • The Whole Story About You

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    THE WHOLE STORY ABOUT YOU During a practice session for the Green Bay Packers, things were not going well for Vince Lombardi’s team. Lombardi singled out one big guard for his failure to "put out." It was a hot, muggy day when the coach called his guard aside and leveled his awesome vocal guns on more

  • All Things New

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jun 16, 2009

    ALL THINGS NEW Years ago, I had the classic New Jersey car accident: I was hit from behind as I stopped for someone in a crosswalk. The guy actually got out of his car threw up his hands and exclaimed, "What the blank are you stopping for?" I got out of my car and motioned to the crosswalk, "I more

  • Demon-Possessed Man

    Contributed by Daryl Grimes on Sep 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    DEMON-POSSESSED MAN People had written him off a long time ago. He was just a crazy lunatic that no one wanted anything to do with. They kept their children away, they kept their wives away and they kept themselves away. He lived like a pig, his body odor was almost unbearable and to make matters more

  • Life Begins At The Cross

    Contributed by James Mercer on Dec 8, 2009
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    LIFE BEGINS AT THE CROSS We don’t begin to live until we believe on Jesus and receive this everlasting life. A popular book a generation ago was entitled, Life Begins at Forty, where the author sought to prove that a person just enters the prime of life at forty years of age. The new saying is more

  • Notice That They Will Have A Form Of Godliness ...

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Feb 7, 2010

    "Notice that they will have a form of godliness or 'Christianity,' but they will deny its power. How will they deny its power? They deny that Christianity can change them from being unforgiving to forgiving. They will boast of being followers of Jesus and proclaim their 'new birth' experience, more

  • Demolish The Old, Build Something New

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Mar 1, 2010

    DEMOLISH THE OLD, BUILD SOMETHING NEW I like watching those video clips of buildings being demolished with dynamite. The people that do that spend hours planning and setting the dynamite in place and wiring everything, so that everything will just kind of fall in on itself, without affecting more

  • No Renovation...demolition!

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Mar 22, 2010

    NO RENOVATION...DEMOLITION! My son and daughter in law are wanting to renovate their home. They need more space with a new baby coming. As it is, my granddaughter sleeps in what was once a large walk-in closet. So they really need some space. Even then the house will still be small. The house more

  • The New Birth Day

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Mar 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    THE NEW BIRTH DAY The day we come to Christ is our “New Birth” Day! Spurgeon: "It was the beginning of life to me when I saw Jesus dying in my place." The day of our salvation eclipses our birthdays, our graduations, our more

  • God Uses People Like Derrick

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 17, 2011

    GOD USES PEOPLE LIKE DERRICK In Dayton, Ohio, attorney Derrick Farmer gave a motivational talk to at-risk teens. Derrick is 48 years old and has been an attorney since 1999. Now, what was unusual about this event was that it was picketed by 30 Dayton police officers. Why? When Derrick was 16 years more

  • Built Out Of Junk

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 8, 2011

    BUILT OUT OF JUNK Did you hear about the homeless man in Brazil who built his own car out of junk? Orismar de Souza is a homeless man in Brazil who decided to build the car using junk, spare parts and a hammer and chisel. Four years later, the "shrimpmobile" has him back on his feet. Souza, 35, more

  • The True Blessing

    Contributed by Terry Barnhill on Jun 15, 2011

    THE TRUE BLESSING When God blessed Abraham, He blessed him so that he could be a blessing to all nations. To be a true blessing to others requires that we share with them the power of God’s transforming Truth. If you give food to a man who is trapped in a pit, they are still trapped in that more

  • The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. A Movie ...

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jun 23, 2011

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. A movie about a man who was born old. It is a great opening for a sermon more

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