Once A Circus Performer Each Night Would Allow A ... PRO
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Sep 8, 2002 (message contributor)
Once a circus performer each night would allow a huge Python snake to encircle him and then at the last moment he’d throw the Python off to the roar of the crowd. But one night when he went to throw off the snake he couldn’t and the crowd watched in horror as the snake squeezed the life out of him. What the performer failed to realize is that with each...
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I Read About A Man Dreaming About The ...
Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 17, 2004
I read about a man dreaming about the crucifixion of Jesus. He was telling in detail how that Jesus was beaten, and the people shouting crucify him. He saw the back of the soldier as he was driving ...read more
The Israelites Were Like The Comic Strip ... PRO
Contributed by Mark Engler on Sep 7, 2002
The Israelites were like the comic strip character, Charlie Brown, who said, “There’s no problem ...read more
Alta Vail Of Emporia, Kansas, Tells In Sunshine ...
Contributed by Evie Megginson on Mar 14, 2005
Alta Vail of Emporia, Kansas, tells in Sunshine magazine how she found a new way to pray while ironing. One day she was thinking about the different kinds of lines—bus lines, clothes lines, fishing lines, telephone lines. Why not a prayer line? she asked herself. So she strung a short rope across ...read more
You See, I Understand What It's Like To Be Hooked ... PRO
Contributed by Robbie Bankens on Aug 9, 2005
You see, I understand what it’s like to be hooked on prescription pain killers and muscle relaxers. I know what it’s like to wake up drunk in a ditch, laying in your own vomit and not remember how you got there. I know what it’s like to pass out in the middle of the night in a graveyard, ...read more
J.r.r Tolkein, Famous Writer Leaves Us With This ...
Contributed by Charles Bruner on Jul 19, 2005
J.R.R Tolkein, famous writer leaves us with this profound thought. “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to ...read more
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Coming Off The Mountain
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What happens when you descend from a mountaintop experience with Jesus.
Twenty Four Seven Three Sixty Five
Contributed by Bruce Lee on Jan 19, 2015
God is always with us. He is often seen through the people around us by their words and actions. There is a great expectation from us that comes through repentance. As God makes a total commitment to us, we must make a total commitment to Him.
Called To Be Different
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Let's not try to be like everbody else, we are different, and God knew exactly what He was doing when He made us. We are all uniquely made by God, and it is time to accept ourselevs as different, and stop being insecure about who we are.
Diagnosing The Check Engine Light Series
Contributed by John Sears on Feb 4, 2014
Mutual accountability is important to the life and health of the individual and to the life and health of the church. How do we handle the difficult task of mutual accountability? And how can it help us grow as followers of Jesus?