Sermon Illustrations

Love Is A Decision - is a book I’d strongly recommend - the second chapter in this book is on honor.....let me share a brief excerpt from that chapter to nail home this point about honor.

Gary Smalley is Christian family counselor and the author of the book day years ago when he came home this is what his wife Norma told him; As I read this - think about your relationships at home - maybe it’s kind of how you are making your; wife, your husband, your kids or your parents feel.... Again, Think about your relationships as I read this...

Gary, I feel like everything on this earth is far more important to you than I am...I feel that all the football games you watch on television are more important than I am, the newspaper, your hobbies, your counseling at the church. I can even farm out the kids to a baby sitter and have a candlelight dinner all prepared for you, and the phone will ring and you’ll say, ‘Oh, I’m not doing anything important. I’m just eating. Sure, I’ll be right over.’ Then you’re gone, telling me to keep something warm for you in the oven.

‘I’m not saying that your counseling isn’t important, but many of those couples you talk to have struggled with their problems for years! Taking one night to spend with your wife isn’t going to bother them - but it’s killing us!

It’s like I don’t matter to you, but other people do. In fact sometimes I feel that...

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