Sermon Illustrations

Pastor Norm Johnson tells the story of Bill who was gravely ill in the hospital. Norm was visiting him when the doctor came in and point blank said, “Bill, you're dead. There’s no hope. You’d better get your things in order.” Just that bluntly, no hope, no comfort, no, “How are you doing?” After answering a few questions, the doctor left. Norm and Bill just sat there in silence in shock over what they had heard. Then Norm turned to Bill and said, “Bill, don't you think now’s a good time to turn to Christ?” And there in the hospital room, Bill gave his life to Christ. The next day, Bill was moved to another hospital. A new doctor came in and said, “Bill, we’re not going to give up yet. We’re going to try a different medicine and a different therapy.” And from that moment on, Bill began to get better. He turned it all over to God and God healed him! And then he said, “When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time, you become aware that God is enough.”

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