About 40 Percent Of Americans Characterize The ...
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 25, 2002 (message contributor)
About 40 percent of Americans characterize the nation’s moral values as
"poor" and 41 percent say the state of moral values is "only fair." Only 18
percent rank the situation as "good" or "excellent." Weekly church attendees
had an even more negative perspective about the nation’s moral climate - 52
percent of active church members ranked moral conditions as poor. Women held
a more pessimistic viewpoint than men with 45 percent calling the situation
poor, compared to 33 percent of men. Americans 18-to-29 years of age were
less critical of the moral condition. Only 28 percent saw the situation as
poor, while 24 percent said it was good or excellent. Some 67 percent of
Americans said the nation’s values are deteriorating.
- Gallup Poll - May, 2002
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