Sermon Illustrations


Henry Martyn had already done more than his share of missionary service in India by his late 20s when he announced he was going to Persia. Doctors had told him that the heat would kill him if he stayed in India, and the heat in Persia was worse.

Martyn arrived, studied the Persian language and translated the New Testament and Psalms in an amazing nine months. But then was told he must have the Shah’s permission to circulate it.

Martyn traveled 600 miles to Tehran, only to be denied permission to see the Shah. He then turned around and made a 400-mile trip to find the British ambassador who gave his credentials and said, “This is all I can do. You will have to present them yourself.”

Barely able to stand, Martyn rode at night on the back of a mule and rested in the daytime, protected only by a strip of canvas from the sweltering heat. He was received by the Shah who gave permission for the Scriptures in Persian to be circulated.

Ten days later, in 1812, he died in Turkey.

When people get converted to Christ, they begin to serve in the church of Christ. Some, like Henry Martyn, have remarkable gifts and serve in significant ways. Others have more ordinary gifts. Nevertheless, all Christians use their spiritual gifts in service.

A mark of love in the church is ministry. Have you devoted yourself to the service of the saints? Are you serving in ministry?

From a sermon by Freddy Fritz, Final Greetings, 5/25/2012

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