Keeping Up With Next Door PRO
Contributed by Sermon Central on Aug 8, 2011 (message contributor)
I heard about a chicken yard with a big hen house, where a rooster had all of his hens laying eggs. One day, two little boys were next door playing football, with a brand new white football. One of them accidentally kicked the football over the fence, and it rolled into the chicken yard.
The rooster walked around and around the football, examining it carefully. Finally, he called out to all of his hens, "Come on out here, ladies!" When they had all gathered around, he said, "Now, girls, I don't mean to be negative, but here's the kind of eggs they're producing next door. You need to step up your efforts."
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You Ever Watch Those Shows About These ... PRO
Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Nov 13, 2003
You ever watch those shows about these submarines that go down 2 and a half miles to the wreck of the Titanic? That’s one thing that I think I could never do. To be crammed into a machine not much bigger than a telephone booth with 2 other guys, 2 miles below the surface of the water, with the ...read more
P. 800 – It Is Observable That God Has ... PRO
Contributed by Troy Mason on Sep 9, 2002
ILLUS p. 800 – It is observable that God has often called men to places of dignity and honor when they have busy and honest employment of their vocation. Saul was seeking his father’s donkeys and David his father’s sheep when called to the Kingdom. The shepherds were feeding their flocks when ...read more
Oswald Chambers Wrote, "If The Bible Agreed With ... PRO
Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 9, 2002
Oswald Chambers wrote, "If the Bible agreed with modern science, the Bible would soon be out of date." The Bible is the trustworthy Word of God. ...read more
Biochemist, Dr. Duane Gish, Notes, "Evolution Is ... PRO
Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 9, 2002
Biochemist, Dr. Duane Gish, notes, "Evolution is the most wasteful, inefficient and cruel method that could ever be devised to create living things ... mutations (the process of evolution) leads almost always to bad outcomes: crippling, sickness, disfigurements and deaths. Good mutations are rare ...read more
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