Sermon Illustrations

April 2, 2008

North Korean Students Arrested for Reading the Bible

This news is from Free North Korea Broadcasting.

Ten college students in Ham Kyung Book Do Chung, North Korea, were recently investigated and arrested for reading a Bible and watching a video CD about the Bible. According to Free North Korea Broadcasting, Mr. Jung, former vice president of GumRung Company of the Rodong Dang Labor Organization Department, reported the case and has since escaped to China to avoid arrest by the National Security Agency (Bowiboo). "In March 2006, 200 Life Bibles and several hundred CDs were purchased in China and secretly placed in flour bags before being smuggled into North Korea. This huge Bible smuggling case was headed by GumRung Company employees who were influenced by Christianity in China and underground Christians in Nasun City. All the leaders have been arrested and are being severely tortured. If I am caught, I will be sent to a prison camp for political criminals. I didn't want to die in prison camp, so I escaped," Mr. Jung said. In the Free North Korea Broadcasting report, Mr. Jung added that most of the arrested students attended Chung Jin College. "These students shared the Bible and video CD with their friends. They also distributed the Bibles and video CDs to the other college towns," he said.

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