Sermon Illustrations

Note the contrast between fleeing and pursuing. It is not enough to just stop doing things or at least stop the frequency of those things that do not honor God. Sometimes it is easy to think, “I just do it once in while. What’s the harm?” The problem is that people really do see what you’re saying. Sometimes actions really do speak louder than words.

Instead pursue or run after with all your strength and energy and focus those things that exhibit godly character. For Paul the man of God flees and pursues. They are opposite directions, which would be consistent with the concept of repentance meaning to turn around and go 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

When I think of the word pursue, I picture bloodhounds running in relentless pursuit of an escaped convict. Once their noses get the scent, they do not give up and rarely lose the scent. A lot of the stuff that you see in movies like running through a stream or running up a stream and exiting at a different point are simply busted myths. You can’t lose the pursuit of a bloodhound by doing those things. Check out Mythbusters for the details.

Like bloodhounds our pursuit of God’s ways and the ways of Christ needs to be characterized as relentless. It should be constant not just convenient. The man of God follows Jesus 24/7. It is not just Sundays but every day of the week. It is every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. The pursuit of righteousness doesn’t end at five o’clock nor does it end at noon on Sunday. Everything we say and everything we do reflects or at least should reflect a pursuit of godliness.

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