Sermon Illustrations


My dad had paid for a membership at Rainbow Falls – a fishing lake about 1 hour into the mountains from our home. About our 2nd visit there, the fish just weren’t biting. That happens at stocked lakes. You could see them – right there in front of you, but they wouldn’t bite. So, my brother and I put on some great big bear hooks. We’d cast them just over a big fish, then snag him in the side and drag him in sideways. It was great! Here we were, catching some pretty big fish, while most everyone else there wasn’t catching anything. We were so elated, when the guy managing the place came by, we showed him our fish and told him of our ingenious idea. Oops. He kindly told us that was against the rules. There went that great idea! We had done it with a clear conscience, but it was still wrong.

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