Sermon Illustrations


The late great Presbyterian clergyman and hymnist, Rev. Maltbie Davenport Babcock (1858 - 1901) once wrote:

"Christianity is not a voice in the wilderness but a life in the world. It is not an idea in the air but feet on the ground, going [Almighty] God's way. It is not an exotic to be kept under glass, but a hardy plant to bear twelve monts of fruits in all kinds of weather. Fidelity to duty is its root and branch. Nothing we can say to the Lord, no calling Him by great or dear names, can take the place of the plain doing of His will. We may cry out about the beauty of of eating bread with Him in His Kingdom, but it is wasted breath and a rootless hope, unless we plow and plant in His Kingdom here and now. To remember Him at His table and to forget Him at ours, is to have invested in bad securities. There is no substitute for plain, every-day goodness."

The late great writer of religious and inspirational poetry, Helen Steiner Rice (1900 - 1981), once wrote: "Show me the way, not to fortune or fame, not to win laurels or praise for my name...But show me the way to spread the great story that Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory."

We need to forget "political correctness" and concentrate on ways to spread the "Good News" to all people!

("Hymn Writers of the Christian Church," by Mildred C. Whittemore, c1963: Carroll E. Whittemore, published, London, England: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, p. 5. From a sermon by George Dillahunty, "A Politically Correct Gospel?")

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