Light Of The World
Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 25, 2008 (message contributor)
A boatman and a scholar were once travelling on a boat. During the journey, the scholar asked the boatman, "Do you know philosophy?" "No," he replied.
"Do you know psychology?". "No."
"What about geology?" "Nope!"
"I suppose you don’t know accountancy, huh?" "No, not at all."
"Hm... life must be pretty boring for you then."
Just then a storm erupted, and the waves were beating furiously against the boat. The scholar was afraid. The boatman asked, "Do you know how to swim?" "No!" he replied.
"That’s too bad," the boatman said. "But do you know God?"
"No, I don’t!" said the scholar. Boatman: "Then that’s even worse. You’ll have no hope after death!"
The boatman brought out a lamp, lifted it up and asked, "Do you believe this can save you? Do you believe that this light can save you?"
The man began to wave the lamp, sending a signal in the darkness to the surrounding boats for help. Eventually, they were saved - the light saved them.
Jesus says, "I am the Light of the world." No ‘…logy’ (no human wisdom and knowledge) can save you. Only Jesus can.
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