Sermon Illustrations

QUOTE: “The rocks of the earth’s crust now contain the fossil remains of unnumbered billions of plants and animals, buried in water-transported sediments which quickly became lithified. This “geologic column” has been grossly distorted by evolutionists into the record of an imagined 3-billion year history of evolution during the geological ages. Actually, it represents the deposits of the Flood with the fossil order primarily depicting the relative elevations of the habitats—and therefore the usual order of sedimentary burial in the Flood—of the organisms of the pre-Flood world. Many modern geologists are again admitting the necessity of catastrophic formation and burial to explain the (fossils) in the geologic column. The reason why very few fossil men (also very few fossilized flying birds) are found in the rocks is their high mobility and ability to escape burial in sediments. When eventually drowned, their bodies would remain on the surface until they decayed.” (Henry Morris, The Defender’s Study Bible).

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