Sermon Illustrations
  • Some Years Ago A Famous Actor Was Giving An After ...

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Feb 1, 2008 (message contributor)

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Some years ago a famous actor was giving an after dinner speech.

He asked his audience if there was any famous poem that they would like him to recite. There was a silence.

Eventually an old vicar raised his hand and said: "Psalm 23 please."

The actor agreed, on one condition: that the

clergyman should also recite the Psalm after he had finished.

The clergyman reluctantly agreed.

The actor recited the 23rd Psalm and received a tumultuous applause.

The clergyman then recited Psalm 23 and there was not a dry eye in the place.

At the end, the actor stood up and said:

"Do you know the difference between my version of the 23rd Psalm and his?

I know the psalm but this man knows the Shepherd".