Why They Serve Coffee PRO
Contributed by Jim Kane on Mar 10, 2002 (message contributor)
Some of the most humorous and enlightening moments in our lives center around eating and drinking.
Take for instance the interaction between a pastor and young boy in a certain congregation. It seems this particular congregation loved good fellowship and always served coffee after the sermon. One Sunday the pastor asks a little boy...
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Spurgeon (1) Wrote, " I Think I May Say To Every ... PRO
Contributed by Michael Raisbeck on Jul 18, 2003
Spurgeon (1) wrote, " I think I may say to every person whom I am addressing,-If you are yourself saved, the work is but half done until you are employed to bring others to Christ. You are as yet but half formed in the image of your Lord. You have not attained to the full development of the ...read more
There Is No God. All Of The Wonders Around Us ...
Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Sep 28, 2004
There is no God. All of the wonders around us are accidental. No almighty hand made a thousand billion stars. They made themselves. No power keeps them on their steady course. The earth spins itself to keep the oceans from falling off toward the sun. Infants teach themselves to cry when they are ...read more
To Insure Victory In Combat, Soldiers Need ... PRO
Contributed by Joel Santos on Sep 24, 2004
"To insure victory in combat, soldiers need confidence in their leader with a felling that when they go out in the battlefield, they have great chances of ...read more
Martin Luther Had Visitors For Dinner One Day. ...
Contributed by Dan Mahan on Jan 7, 2007
Martin Luther had visitors for dinner one day. His puppy happened to be at the table, looking for a morsel from his master. The puppy watched with open mouth and motionless eyes. Martin Luther said, "Oh, if I could only pray the way this dog watches the meat! All his thoughts are concentrated on ...read more
Cain's Memorial Was Of The Lesser Sacrifice Of ...
Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Dec 28, 2006
• Cain’s Memorial was of the lesser sacrifice of crops from the earth. • Achan’s Memorial was of perishables in garments and gold. • Esau’s Memorial was a full stomach and a wasted birthright. • Solomons’ Memorial was the wisdom wasted on fools. • Zedekiah’s Memorial was iron horns in dishonest ...read more
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The Purpose Of Walls
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